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My nerves are so fucked up right now that it makes no sense. I am marrying the love of my life today.

One thing that is different this time around is that me and Chad really know what we want and we are sure that we want to be together for the rest of our lives.

Right now Paris was doing my makeup. My mom was in the corner doing Raylan's hair and slipping on her dress.

The wedding was happening in less than an hour. So once Paris finished my makeup it was time to slip on the dress.

"You ready babygirl ?" My mom said as she slipped the pins outta my hair.

" Yea I am ." I said flashing the biggest smile

"Here I want you to wear this I never gave you this the first time because I didn't wanna waste with something so precious, but now I see that you and Chad are forever I want you to have this." she pulled out a necklace

"It may not be that much miah, but it was your grandmother's and she gave it to me when I married your father, so I wanted to past it on and maybe one day you can give it to Raylan."

"Awww mamí, I love it..."

My mom and Paris walked out and my dad came in. He had tears swelled up in his eyes .

"Look at my babygirl."

"Hi Dad..."

"You look like a beautiful princess."

"Awee thanks dad can you help me?" I asked as I held up my veil

"Of course baby girl."


"You ready man ?" Aug said as he fluffed his hair out.

"Yea man let's get it!"

I was lying , I was nervous as hell and all I was ready for was to see my beautiful wife walk down the aisle once again.


"You ready girl?" Paris said about to hand me my bouquet.

"Yea I am ready."

My dad came in and I wrapped my arm around his as he carried me away. Its been 6 long years and with that me and Chad have a handsome son and beautiful daughter and also hardship in our relationship along with good times.

And honestly there is no one I would rather be spending the rest of my life with. So yes I have chosen to be with Chad,and I don't care how many people think I am dumb, stupid, or crazy I just know that I want to be with him.

It was time for me to walk down the aisle and I was so damn nervous.

"You ready baby girl ?"

"Yes daddy just please don't let me fall in these damn heels."

"Nobody told you to come out here tryna be Nicki Mini." I cracked the fuck up.

Still Riding |BOOK 2 *EDITING|Where stories live. Discover now