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Cassandra Above😍


"We are sorry Trent, you have to be traded." Anger rushed over my body

"I love were I'm at, I'm just living in Cali because this is where my girl is commuting from New York sometimes is not an issue, the Knicks are my family..." my manager shook his head

"Coach doesn't want to put up with it." he pulled out his notepad

"He says you have missed to many practices, have been late for games and you haven't been given your all." I flipped the table over

"That's bullshit Jim, I love basketball, I eat, sleep and breathe that shit!" I walked out as i rubbed my hands over my face.

I went to the liquor store and brought me three bottles of Henny. I drove to Paris house, used my key to get in and started pouring me some drinks until I couldn't feel the pain anymore.


"Thank you so much girl, these are fire." I said looking at my nails

"You know I gotchu." Sandra said as she cleaned up her station

Right now I was finishing up at the nail salon and then I'm going home. I have been on the run all day with the kids, getting them kids to August, getting my hair and nails done after my shoot.

It just has been a busy ass day. After my nails dried I grabbed my purse, said bye to Sandra and headed home. As I got in my car I called Trent.

"Helloooo?" I furrowed my eyebrows

"Hey baby what you doing?" I asked

"Nothin---- drinkin the good shit!" I rolled my eyes

"Are you drunk right now Trent?"

"No---Yes." he giggled

I hung up and went to the house, I can't believe him right now.


I closed up shop and headed home. I picked me and Tone up some food so we can eat before we go see the planner to put finishing touches on the wedding.

After I got our food from Benni's then I headed home. I pulled up the house and seen Tone's car in the driveway, good he is home.

"Baby." I called out as I walked inside

"Upstairs!" he yelled

I jogged upstairs and sat out food on the dresser. I walked in the bathroom and he was shitting I quickly covered my nose.

"Eww Tone you stink." I shrunked up my face

"I know you aint talking your shit smell worse then mine." I laughed

I walked out the bathroom and waited for him to come out. After about 15 minute he came out as I was looking for a outfit in the closet.

Still Riding |BOOK 2 *EDITING|Where stories live. Discover now