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"Noooo! August baby , August stay with me ." I said holding onto to his hand.

"CALL A FUCKING AMBULANCE ! Y'ALL JUST STARING AND SHIT!" Mama Shelia came beside me while I was holding to August body as he came in and out of conscious.

The ambulance soon arrived and carried him away , as I prayed that my fiancé would make it cause lord knows that I can't carry on without that man.

I grabbed Anthony and carried him to Kendra because she was going to keep him until me and Mama got back.

I grabbed my phone, purse and keys and got in my Benz and raced to the hospital, mama kept telling me to slow down before I kill her and me but I couldn't I had to make it to this hospital before it was too late.

We got there and I went to the front desk to get an update.

"Can I get the updates on August Alsina?" I said impatiently

She patted her head while p picking some shit out here teeth taking her sweet time .

"Bitch can you hurry up, my fiancé just got shot!" she rolled her eyes and mama touched my shoulder

"Hunni calm down all we can do is pray and put everything in god's hands." she hugged me as tears fell down my eyes .

We sat down and waited and waited and waited. It seemed like forever I looked at the time it was 12 o' clock.

My little boy birthday was officially over and all I wanted him to do was have a nice time for his birthday and I failed.

My sister and mom can just never let me be happy and leave my life. The doctor came out and started to tell us about Aug.

"The bullet was very close to touching his heart and damaging it and potentially ending his life. August is in a coma right and he is not making good progress. He can be in there for a week, months or even years."

"I'm so sorry we have done all we can , all is left to do is be patient and wait for him to wake up." I felt Mama hug me

This is all my fault , I should have never allowed Jasmine to even step foot in my house because I know what she is capable of.

We went up to August room and he was asleep looking lifeless as ever I went over to him and held his cheek in my hand.

"I'm so sorry baby. I'm sorry I let this happen to you. This is all my fault." I broke down

"Paris baby this is not your fault , August is gonna be fine. My son is a fighter. Ain't that right baby?" Mama said as she grabbed his hand

The baby kicked and I told mama to feel. Its moments like this that August will miss while he is in the coma.

I just hope he wakes up really soon because I love him o so much and I would never wanna raise our family without him.

We have been sitting beside August side all night and it was now 2 in the morning ion plan on getting no sleep til he is awake.

Still Riding |BOOK 2 *EDITING|Where stories live. Discover now