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I woke up this morning with feet in my damn face. I looked down and it was no other person but my lovely son, Kayden.

I gently moved his foot to the side and got up to brush my teeth. I bumped into Chad as I was walking to brush my teeth.

"Goodmorning baby." he said as he pecked my lips

"Goodmorning, what time you getting off work today?"

"I can be here when you need me to be." he said, I love my man

"5? I told Paris we could go out and have a little fun and we want you and August to watch the kids"

"We will do it for you baby, yall go have fun." he said as he handed me a stack

"No I got it baby." he shushed me and made me take the money

I kissed him and into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I also wash my face and then went into the Raylan's room to check on her. She was still sleep so I just let her little spoil ass be.

She is so spoil and now she teething so she so clingy and she like to cry and be up. Me and Chad tryna break her out that shit. She 6 months now, my kids growing up too damn fast, Kayden is 5 now.

I looked at the time , it was 7:30. I had to go get Kayden ready for school. Spring break just ended and I gotta get him back in his routine. I walked upstairs to Chad and I's room where his little butt always end up every night.

"Lawd this little boii bout to give you hell babe." he said as he tighten up his tie , it was crooked

"Hell yea." I said as I fixed his tie and pecked his lips

"Thank you baby ." he said grabbing his briefcase

"You know I gotchu, have a good day at work I love you oso much."

"I love you more babe, kiss Raylan for me." he said as he kissed Kayden forehead

I walked him downstairs to the door.

"Where he hell my keys?" I spotted them in Kayden crayon box. I whistled , he looked over as I held up the keys

"What would I do without you?" he kissed me, I deepened the kiss

"Girl you gon make me late." we laughed

"Bye baby." I said as I closed the door.

I went upstairs to wake Kayden up. I started shaking him awake and this boii didn't budge

"Kayden wake up , mommy has ice cream."

"Mommy I don't wanna get up and go see my mean teacher." I smiled cause he already know what time it is

"Come on baby we have to go to school, guess what tho?"

"What mommy?"

"Daddy is gonna come pick you up today in your favorite car you like to ride in."

Still Riding |BOOK 2 *EDITING|Where stories live. Discover now