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2 Months Later


I am now 9 months pregnant and Nova is expected any day now. August is still in a coma and he has made so much progress the doctors don't know why he hasn't woken up yet.

I miss him and I was kinda sad that he missed putting Nova nursery together , but I'm glad I had Mama Shelia to help me.

We just recently got back from the Bahamas and Anthony had so much fun. He misses August so much I know he can sense his daddy not being around.

I prefer if Ant doesn't go see August in the hospital , that is just not a way I want my son to see his father just like August didn't want our newborn son coming to see me in jail.

Mama Shelia went back to New Orleans and she want me to keep her posted on August because she had to go back to work.

My hair stylist is here to do my hair before my labor so it wont give me any trouble and so it won't sweat out. Cause when I had Ant my hair broke off from all the sweating and my hair being matted to a bed.

"All done P..."

"Thank you so much I love it!"

He gathered up all his stuff and headed out . I got on my phone and sent him his check. I went in the kitchen and fixed me and Anthony a fruit salad cause he is gonna wake up from his nap in a little bit.

The doorbell rang as I put Ant fruit salad in the fridge. I opened the door and it was the delivery man.

"Package for Ms.Lee." I turned my face up and signed the package and took it in

"Thank you."

I opened the box and it was a fake heart with a bullet in it , with a note attached to it.

'Next Time , He Will Be Dead Hunni.'

I rolled my eyes and threw the package out in the dumpster. I am so tired of Jasmine she has been threating me every since the incident but she hasn't acted on any of those threats but I damn sho ain't gon underestimate her.

I heard Anthony crying through the baby monitor. I went to his and got him. We went downstairs and I fed him his fruit.

After he was done I took him upstairs and got him dressed in his yellow and navy blue polo tee with his light jeans and Space Jams.

I took him in my room and put him in his playpen and put cartoons on while I shower and dress. I hopped in the shower.

About 25 minutes later I got out and wrapped the towel around me. I went in my closet and got the same outfit Anthony was wearing.

"MAAA!" Ant yelled

"Yes Baby!"


"You miss daddy ? I know you do mommy does too." I kissed his jaws

"Baby can you please come get Kayden he will not lemme go out the door." I said as he cried on my leg

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