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It was 2am and here I am throwing up all I had to eat today. I started sneezing, I grabbed a tissue and blew my nose. I looked down and blood starting rushing out.

I quickly clotted my nose. I just there I felt so weak. This is not the first time this has happened, I started coughing.

I was coughing up blood, I have been try to shake this off but its getting worse. I felt myself falling asleep, my forced themselves shut.


I work up this morning and headed to Bri house I been calling her all morning and babyguh ain't picking up I'm worried.

I slipped on my sweatpants and headed to the car. I pulled out the driveway and headed to her house.

I brought her some iHop on my way to her house. I walked to the door and knocked and no one came.

I know she is here cause her car in the driveway. I furrowed my eyebrows. What the fuck going on? I waited and knocked a little while longer.

Then I heard Tott crying and this won't no whining fake ass cry, she sounded like she was bawling, I broke the door down.

I seen Tott on the stairs crying

"What's wrong Tott?" she came hugged my leg

"Mommy ... Mommy hurt." I picked her up and ran up the stairs

I went in her room and Brianna was laying there, I see blood everywhere so I sat Tott down.

"Go in your room Tott and don't come out until Auggie come get you." She ran to her room as I started shaking Brianna.

"Baby, baby, Brianna, get up..." She didn't budge

I picked her up and got her in the car. I came back and got her dressed and in the car. I got her booster seat out of the trunk and put her in it.

I raced to the hospital, I swear man its always something.


"What are you talking bout Trent all I think about is you ?"

"That wasn't my question Paris. Are you still feeling Aug?"

"I'm not going to lie and just say no because that would be a lie, he was my first love and the father of my kids , there is a connection there. But I love you what don't you understand."

Still Riding |BOOK 2 *EDITING|Where stories live. Discover now