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"Wave bye bye to daddy." I said to the kids

He kissed their foreheads.

"I'll be back , I love you little man and stay sweet princess." he said as he kissed Ant and Nova goodbye.

"Bye Paris."

"Bye August."

With that he left for his tour, I closed the door. Its been 3 months and now August is going on tour.

He still isn't living here and we have grown further apart. I don't even wear my engagement ring anymore.

Jasmine has moved away and she is back on her feet again. She never caused any problems she actually stayed to herself in the guest house. Something is going on with her and I just wanna help her.

I am hurt that August won't come back home . He knows that Jasmine is gone but he said that it was too late.

I pushed him to far, I cried for so long but I realized I have to be strong for my kids and if its meant to be it will come back.


Today is a very special day, It's me and Chad's 10 year anniversary. I love this man to death and I wouldn't trade him for the world I have a very special day planned for us.

The first part of the day is with our kids. Just thanking god for our beautiful family and all the blessings that we have.

The second part of our day is being grateful for us as a couple and celebrating all the obstacles we have overcome.

I woke up and look over and Chad was still asleep. I decided to wake im up with a little gift.

I got under the covers and put him inside my mouth. I slowly stroke what my mouth couldn't reach. He slowly woke up , groaning nd shit.

"Fuck.." Chad hissed as he came

Lets just say some head turned into full blown sex. We both got up and changed the sheets. Then we got in the shower and started getting ready for today.

When we got out , we brushed our teeth and i slipped on my bra and pantie then moisturized myself with some Temptation by Victoria Secret. I slipped on my robe and then went in Kayden's room.

I woke him up and told him to go get in the shower. He got right up, im shocked. I went in his closet and decided to pick him out him blue, red and white Jordan top with some light levi skinny jeans and his white, red and blue jordan 7s.

I went in Kayden's bathroom and he was out the shower with a towel around his waist brushing his teeth. I smiled and kissed his cheek.

Me and Chad decided to let him grown his hair out into a curly box . It was a mess right now so I got some curling cream. I wet his hair and applied the curling cream and now it looked decent.

"All done mommy." he said as he finished brushing his teeth

I helped him down and went in his room and i got him dressed.

Still Riding |BOOK 2 *EDITING|Where stories live. Discover now