Chapter one

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***This is a fan-fic of OUAT's version of Peter Pan***

Mermaids, beaches, fairies! This place is awesome! Someone then snatched the book out my hands.

"Mermaids? What is this crap?"
I looked up to see Cynthia and her clique. "Why do you carry this thing around with you all the time?"

I stood up and held out my hand. "Give it back."
"Why? It's not like you can read it, you're stupid."
Her words didn't mean anything to me right now, but those words are going to come back at me tonight and punch me in the face.

"How old are you? Aren't you like 16 and reading this children's book? How long have you been here Michelle?"

Tears welled up in my eyes. I knew what was coming next.

"Answer me, hoe!"
"10 years." I mumbled.
"10 years and still haven't been adopted? That's sad. Why are you still living? No one loves you. No one ever will. I bet your parents crashed their car on purpose just to get away from you."

I had enough. I threw myself at her. I slammed my fists into her pretty face. Then her clique joined in. I was outnumbered. The breath was knocked out of me as I was kicked full force in the stomach. Everything got blurry after the third stomp to the head. They continued and I blacked out.


I woke up in the nurse's office. Luckily they didn't mess up anything, but I was sore. Nurse Joan sent me to my room. I must've been out for hours because it was now bed time. I looked into the empty room. It was just me. All my old roommates were adopted last month.

I looked under my bed and found my box. I picked up my knife. It's silver blade reflected the little light that shone through my window's curtains. I pulled back my sleeve and put it to my wrist. Words were repeated in my head.
"No one loves you. No one ever will."
"I bet your parents crashed the car on purpose to get away from-" me. I looked down at my wrist, two cuts. I pulled down my sleeve to cover the marks. This was my normal routine before going to sleep.

After my parents died everything was taken from me. I was forced to be schooled here at this orphanage/ adoption home, that took away my friends. The accident took away my parents. I made only one friend at this place, but he was adopted and taken from me. I decided to read the book my mom gave me as a present on my sixth birthday, the last one before the accident.

I've read it over 20 times. I basically memorized the book, but there was this last page that was blank. Maybe it was intentional? I reread the final pages. I closed it and hugged the book. I closed my eyes and sighed. "I wish I could go to Neverland."

I jerked up as I heard a knocking at the window. I saw the shadow. I read about him in my book. I read that he can take you to Neverland. I couldn't believe he actually came. Why haven't I said those words sooner? He waited at the window. I packed a quick bag, including my book, and opened the window. He out-stretched his hand. I looked at his hand, then back at the room. Stay here in this hell hole or start off new at a place with fairies and magic? I grabbed the shadow's hand and he pulled me out the window, flying towards Neverland.

Hi readers, this is my first time writing a fan-fic. please comment to tell me how I'm doing. If you have ideas I can put in my story they are welcomed.

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