chapter 1 👑

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Ella's POV**
Charlie passes the puck to me. I take it towards the middle, as soon as i'm about to shoot, two guys squish me together. i fall to the ground. i stay there for a minute , it hurts to move. I won't let this stop me, we are only a few games away from the playoffs, and the way my teams playing right now, we're most likely going to the playoffs. I try to stand up and almost lose my balance but Connie and Charlie both catch me. "You need to get off the ice, you don't look to good." Charlie says wrapping a arm around my waist. "hey hey hey i'm fine see" i start to skate off but lose my balance and fall back on my wrist. "Ouch!" i scream out. "Coach she's coming off" Connie yells over to our Coach, Gordon Bombay. "No i'm not , im okay coach , im fine" i sigh . i know that they are not going to give up until i'm safe and off the ice. Coach comes omg the ice and carries me over to the bench. Adam , my best friend , skates over to me and coach. "hey you ok El" Adam asks concerned. "yeah i'm fine Adam , go play" i sho him off. " No coach can i come out?" Adam asks. Coach looks surprised considering Adam never asks to come off, never! "Yeah, Fulton your on" Coach says. Fulton jumps over and gets into the game. Adam comes and sits next to me. "You alright?" he asks looking into my eyes. i had this weird feeling when he looked at me, my heart literally skipped a beat, what's happening. i give him a weird look "you should be out there Banksy". "Bansky?" he asks laughing. "yeah it's your new nick name". he's still laughing at me. "what it's cute." i ask pretending to be offended. "hey just like-" he cuts him self off. "um never mind." he looks away awkwardly. was he going to say me? oh my god what if he was! Why am i so freaking happy though, he's my best friend what if it ruins our relationship. my thoughts were cut off when Adam swung his arm around my shoulders "When you hit the ice you nearly gave me a heart attack." "Hey im tough , i can handle it." i say crossing my arms against my chest. "i know you are but you're my best friend, and no one touches you" he say pulling the hair that escaped my two braids our for my eyes. i blush and look away , i notice that Coach was looking at us cocking an eyebrow. "What's up coach" i ask. "Nothing , you two going steady?" he asks looking like he's about to burst out into laughter. a part of me wants to say that i wish we were but me and Adam just look at each other and laugh. "Still best friends huh?" Coach asks with a grin. "Yup" Adam says cheerfully. "I can't wait till the day you two get together." he says with laughter. Me and Adam give each other a look and burst out laughing. we focus back onto the game. there is 10 seconds left of the 3rd quarter. Fulton gets the puck at center ice and shots. As the puck hits the back of the net , the buzzer goes off. We won! We all celebrate!I jump off the bench and instantly regret it. my sides hurt like hell and same with my wrist. i fall back and into Adams lap. he looks up and smiles. "Looks like someone needs some rest." he says like he's my dad. "Ok daddy Adam" i laugh rolling my eyes. "You know what we're having a sleepover." he says out of no where. "Sounds fun" i smile.'He smiles back and picks me up bridal style and walks to the locker room. we all start to change out of our uniforms. Coach walks in to congratulate us. "Great game ducks! Each and every one of you did great out there, but Fulton what a shot" Everyone begins to clap. "And Ella, get some rest , we don't want you hurt even worse" Coach says patting my back. We all walk out of the locker room. Me, Charlie , and Adam walk over to my parents. " Great game you three, how's the wrist Ella?" my mom asks. "it's fine , can i sleep over Adams tonight. " Eager much but it's a Saturday so why not" my mom shrugged. "ayee let's got" Adam says. me and adam decided to walk to my house so i could get clothes and stuff. i look down at my phone it's 7:45. the day went by pretty fast. we arrive at my house and no ones there, i'm guessing they took Charlie somewhere, Charlie has always been the heavy favorite of the family, just because he's 3 minutes older ugh. me and Adam walk to his house which is only down the block from mine. "We should have a movie night!" i say out of no where. "ouu yeah, let's get to my house first sweetheart" he says slinging an arm around my shoulders. butterflies, that's all i felt.

heyy guys, new story ❤
word count~ 878 words :)

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