chapter 7👑

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Ella's POV**
beep beep beep
i slam my hand over my alarm clock wishing i didn't have to get up. i'm so happy that i only have to get up early like this for three more days, then , summer vacation. since we are all in eighth grade, we graduate this saturday , only four days away. i get up and check the time, 6:24. i walk over to my bathroom
and turn on the shower. i shower, shave, brush my teeth , do all of the stuff i would normally do every morning. once i'm finished , i pick out a cute outfit and do my makeup. i leave my natural blonde wavy hair down. i put on my vans and grab my school bag. i walk down the stairs. usually by the time i get out of the shower and ready , the whole team is here, and as every day, they're here. i walk in and say hi to everyone. i grab a bottle of water and an apple and walk back out to the living room. "Hey banksie." i say sitting down next to him on the floor and giving him a side hug. "hey blushie." he says hugging me back. i look up and smile as my cheeks begin to heat up. Charlie comes running down the stairs. "Woah easy there , your gonna fall and mess up your perfect face." i yell out to him. everyone laughs as Charlie runs into the living room. "Haha very funny, Now where the hell is my phone."
he says in a rage. i laugh and get up. i walk out to the kitchen and see his phone sitting on the counter. i pick it up and walk back out to the living room. "I think we need to get your eyes checked." i say with a laugh as the whole team laughs with me. "Thank you." he says jogging over to me and checking his phone. "What's going on between you and that phone?" i ask. he jumps in the air and screams out 'yes!' really loud. "ok what's going on." i say crossing my arms in front of my chest. "Brianna says that she'll talk to me after school, i'm gonna ask her to the dance on friday." he says with a smile. i jaw drops and my eyes go wide . "Briana Forbes? The Brianna Forbes said that she would talk to you today." i ask in shock, he nods slightly with a small smile. I pat Charlie on the shoulder "good for you man , but i swear if she breaks your heart, i'll rip out hers." i say with an innocent smile. they all laugh. "So El, you going to the dance." Connie asks. "Yeah I guess so, i don't really want to though." i say while looking down at my feet. "Why don't you wanna go?" Julie asks. "I don't have a date." i reply shyly. "that won't be for long." Guy says under his breathe. Adam shoots him a dirty look and nudges him in the stomach. i give them a confuse look and change the subject. "So Connie , Julie, who are you girls going with?" i ask. Connie smiles and looks at Guy. "Of course i'm going with Guy." she says giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Julie?" "i'm going with Dean." she says giving Dean a smile. i almost fall to the floor. "Dean is actually going to a dance? Looks like Dean Portman does have a soft side." i say. we all laugh and start to head to school. as usual i walk in between Connie and Julie behind all of the boys. We arrive at school ten minutes later. As we do everyday, we go our separate ways to our locker and me and Adam walk together. "So you going to the dance Banksie?" i ask walking over to his locker. he shuts the door and turns to me. "Yeah, I want to asks this certain girl, i'm asking her Thursday." he says with a smile. my smile fades and i look down at my shoes. i look back up and fake a smile. "She's a lucky girl." i say back. he smiles at me. we turn spring and make our way to first period science. we get to our class and i walk to the back and take my seat. Our science teacher is always late to class so we all sit there talking to eachother. I didn't want to talk to anyone. what Adam told me earlier really hurt, he's asking someone to the dance and it's obviously not me. i sigh and put my head down. "You ok?" Connie asks. i look up and smile. i nod my head and sit up as the teacher finally comes walking in. half of the class was reading and taking notes and the other was finishing our last project of the school year. finally the bell rings.
time skip to lunch•
the bell for my fifth period class rings , signaling lunch. i walk to the cafeteria with Connie and Julie. we get our lunch and walk over to the table where the ducks are sitting. Us three sit down. I sit down next to Charlie and Luis since Julie already sat next to Adam. I look at Luis and smile. he smiles backs and hugs me. We sit and finish our food. But the whole time i can't get my mind off of who Adam is asking to the dance. Luis taps me on the shoulder "you ok El?" he asks. i nod my head quickly "yeah i'm fine." i look over at Luis who knows i'm lieing. He grabs his phone and texts me.
text convo
Luis🙈💞~ Ok what is really going on
Me~ Adam told me that he was asking a girl to the dance and i guess i'm disappointed that it's not me:(
Luis~ you never know 😉
•real life•
I look up at Luis confused. He gives me a reassuring smile. "Don't worry." he whispers. i look over and smile at him.
i just hope he's right..

sorry this is horrible and it's short:/ i'll probably start the next chapter later:)

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