chapter 10👑

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Ella's POV**
ring ring ring. i slam my hand onto my alarm clock. i look over at the time 6:02. I groan and roll out of bed and walk into the bathroom to get a shower. I'm not really looking foward to today, Adam is asking out the girl that he likes. i sigh while i wash my hairs. once i'm done, i get out and dry myself off. i change into a cute outfit and braid my hair back into two french braids. I slip on vans and walk downstairs, and as usual, the teams there in the living room. "hey guys." i say rather sadly. "what's wrong with you?" Russ asks. "nothing i'm ok." i sigh. i walk into the kitchen and grab a banana and walk back out to the team. I sit in the corner of the living room silent while everyone else is talking. After a few minutes, Luis and Connie come over. They sit down next to me. "Ok what's really the problem?" Luis asks. ugh they know me to well. "Today's the day." i say looking at the floor. "What's happening today?" Connie asks. I stand up and motion for them to come with me. We walk up the stairs and into my room. i lock the door behind us and sit on the edge of my bed. I explain to them everything. How Adams asking out this girl today and how i feel about. After telling the story of why i'm so upset, they hug me making me feel better. "Let's just go to school, i want this day to be over." i sigh. Connie smiles at me and hugs me again. "We are always here Ella, remember that." she say. I smile and nod. We walk out and go into the living room. "You guys ready?" Connie asks. They all nod and get up. "Where did you three go?" Dean asks. "my room." i mumble turning around. "what's her problem?" Goldberg asks. "Shut up Goldberg!" i yell opening the door. " let's go." i say. the team and i walk out. i walk in the back of the big group , silent. I have never felt this way about a boy before , and now he's going to ask someone to the dance. I'll be honest, i feel heartbroken. My chest hurts and i feel like i can't breathe, if this what a broken heart feels like, i hate it. My thoughts are interrupted by Charlie coming to walk next to me. "Hey sis , what's wrong, you seem kinda down today." Charlie asks putting an arm around my shoulders. yeah 'kinda' "i'm fine."
i say with a smile. "I know your not ok, tell me later?" he asks. i nod slowly. he gives me a little hug and walking off. We finally arrive at school. we all go to first period, science. bunch of boring crap throughout

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