Chapter 3👑

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Ella's POV**
Once Charlie was finished getting dressed and getting his gear, the team is already outside of our house. Me and Connie aren't gonna go to the lake with them since we're going to the mall. I forget that me and Connie were going to the mall and we were already walking down the street. "Shoot, I forgot my money, I'll be back." I say and turn on my heals. I walk in and start to go up to my room when I notice a man standing in the kitchen. I turn around and walk in. He's sitting at my kitchen table. "Um who are you?" I ask rudely. He turns around and I gasp. "Dad?" I ask shocked. "Yes, hi Ella." He says. "But why are you here?" I ask backing up. I run up the room and lock my door. i grab my bag and try and go threw the window but the door opens. my dad grabs me by my hair and drags me onto the floor. i scream for my mom or i scream for charlie. he punches me across the face and punches me in the stomach. i kick both of my legs and he falls back. this time i punch him across the face. i grab my bag and phone and make a run for the door but he grabs my ankle and i fall down cutting my head on the side of my dresser. i kick him in the face and run. i can feel the blood running down my face. i run through the door but i run into someone. i look up and Luis is one the ground with me and Connie is trying to pick us up. she stops when she sees my face. "i'll explain later, we have to run." i say getting up and helping Luis. We run down the street and duck between bushes. i pull out my phone and dial 911
911 operator , what's your emergency
ella-hi um my dad hurt me
911 operator- where are you now and what's your name
ella-i'm a block away from my house and my names ella conway
911 operator- what's your address
ella- 87  green tree lane ( random 😂)
911- the police are on their way
end of convo •
"ok now tell us what the hell is happening." luis says. "ok Connie and me are going to the mall and i forgot my money. so i went home and when i open the door my dads sitting there at the kitchen table so i run to my room and he starts to punch me. i kick him and punch him and run to the door but he grabs my ankle and pulls me down and i hit my head on my dresser but i kicked him and ran and then i saw you guys. please don't tell the team." i say looking down. they each gave me a hug. "We're still going to the mall today." i say laughing. they laugh along until we hear the sirens.  we all go silent. we stand up from the bush to see my dad running towards us with a empty bottle of beer. we all look at each other and scream. we get up and cross the street and run to my house. police cars begin to pull up. an officer begins to walk up to us , by now i'm crying and i have dried blood all over my face. ""i'm guessing your ella conway." the officer says looking at me. "un yes sir." i reply nervously. "has your father always done this to you." he asks. "no , my dad left my family when i was younger, i've only seen pictures." i say standing up from behind the car we were hiding behind. "ok he won't bother you again, now go on have fun." the officer said with a smile as he began to walk away. we look at each other and smile. we begin to walk in the direction of down town. "i didn't know luis was coming." i say with a smile. "yeah he asked to come." Connie says smiling back. "um El what are we gonna do about your face." luis asks. "we can clean you up and my house." Connie suggests. i nod and say thanks, but then i realize. " Connie we have to pass the lake to get to your house." i gasp. "It's ok we can run by really quick they won't see us." Connie says as we approach the street near the lake. "On the count of three we run." Luis says. me and Connie nod. "1....2.....3." we all start to run right by the lake. "hey is that Conway, Connie, and Luis." i heard a voice say. "oh no run faster guys." Connie says out of breathe. i look behind me but they aren't chasing us. we finally get to Connies house and we fall threw the door out of breathe."Connie is that you?" Connies mom asks from the kitchen. "yeah moms it's me , ella and luis ." connie yells as we start to walk up stairs. i look in the mirror of Connies bathroom , i have a bruised eye , a cut on my forehead, and i had a bloody nose. Connie gave me a tissue to stop my nose from bleeding. once my nose stopped bleeding, she cleaned the cut on my forehead. it was a pretty deep cut, but i didn't need stitches thank god. then she gave me a ice pack for my eye and she went to grab money for the mall. we walk out of her house. "Luis you got money?" i ask as we begin to walk towards downtown. "yup." he says with a smile.
~15 minutes later ~
we arrive at the mall and pull Luis into stores he doesn't want to go into. we walk into five below. we pick up random things and put them on. i put on these huge sunglasses, Connie put on a hat , and Luis put on the same glasses i had on just a different color. i pull out my phone and take a picture on snapchat. i save the picture and put it on my story with the caption "mall with my best friends 😌💗".
we go to forever 21, PINK, and a lot more. we go to Sephora so we can get makeup to try and cover up my huge gash on my forehead. after we are finished shopping , we go to the food court. i got a salad from salad works, Connie got chinese food, and Luis got pizza. we all sit down and talk while we eat our food. once we are finished at the mall, we all decide to go to my house and hang out.
~15 minutes later ~
we get to my house and all of the cop cars are gone. we walk in and the whole team is in the living room. "um hi guys." Connie says more of a question than a statement. "We didn't know you guys were here." Luis said with a smile. "Guys upstairs." i whisper so Connie and Luis were the only ones who heard. they nod. "I'll be right back." i say as i head up the stairs. we get to my room and i shut the door once the two are in. there's a knock at the door. i open it and peak my good eye out , it's Julie. i sigh of relief and let her in. "what happen to your face El." Julie says sitting down on my bed next to Luis. "It was my dad, but everything is ok i'm fine." i say with a fake smile. she looks shocked since she knows about my dad leaving us. i walk over to my phone and play a song and connect it to my speaker. i dance and sing around my room while Connie , Luis , and Julie watch me laughing. For a second they stop laughing, look at each other, then start laughing even harder. when the song was done i turn around to see my door wide open and the whole team standing there. i can feel my cheeks starting to heat up. i run and jump on my bed and hide behind Luis. By now the whole team is sitting on my floor. I wouldn't have mind so much if my face looked like it did. my room was pretty cool, i had soccer and hockey posters up all over my walls. i had all of my trophies and medals on a shelf next to my bed. I jump off my bed and go into my closet and grab a hoodie i stole from Adam and out it on covering my face i sit down on the floor next to Adam and lean my head on his shoulder. "Nice hoodie , think i have seen it somewhere." Adam says laughing. ahhh his laugh is sooo cute oh my god. i laugh "sowwy." i sat in a baby voice. "it's ok, it's cute on you." he says with his adorable smile.

hey guys , i  really like this chapter like Luis, Connie, and Ella are best friend goals.😂 I wanna do like a love twist but idk who to do yet, but i'm definitely doing it. and happy 2017💗 & i made this a lot longer than i usually do 😌
word count ~ 1571 words :)

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