chapter 4 👑

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Ella's POV**
no one yet has noticed my face, which i'm very thankful. i text connie from my spot on the floor.
Text Convo
Connie💘~ are you going to tell them? they're going to find out sooner or later.
me~ i guess so, i'm just nervous to say anything.
Connie💘~ why so nervous?
me~ because it makes me look weak, like i couldn't handle my own fight.
Connie💘~ believe me you are far from weak on and off the ice, you couldn't do anything about your dad being a complete ass hole. i'm right here too, i'm not going anywhere.
End of Convo
I look up at Connie who is sitting on my bed with Guys arm wrapped around her shoulders. She looks at me and smiles. i mouth the words "i love you" and she mouths back "i love you more". i smile to myself and take a deep breathe. "Team, i have something to tell yous." i say not taking my eyes off the ground.  I heard a few "Yeahs" and "What's ups". i take the hood of my hoodie off my head, revealing my swollen eye and gashed forehead. Everyone gasps, besides Connie, Luis, and Julie who already knew the whole story. "I had a visit wish someone i haven't seen in a while." i says with a weak smile looking up. I look at Charlie, he looks like he knows, he mouths to me "dad?" and i nod back as my response. He looks so mad that he could kill someone. That's when i stand up. "Don't worry though i took care of it , im ok." i sigh sitting back down next to Adam. He looks over at me and asks "are you ok?" "i'm fine." i sigh. i tried not to cry, in not weak, i lay my head on Adams shoulder and try to calm myself down. The team stayed over for a while and eventually my mom came home and said everyone had to leave since it was a school night. Once everyone left i decided to write in my diary.

Dear Diary,                                     March 8,2016
Today wasn't the best of days but thankfully i had Connie, Luis, and Julie to help me through it along with the rest of the Ducks. This past week i have been feeling weird, i have this strange feeling on my stomach almost every second of the day, and this feeling gets even worse when i'm around , Adam Banks. I don't know what's wrong with me , he's my best friend and that's all he is suppose to be. Besides he probably doesn't even like me, sure he says a bunch of cute little remarks or calls me cute but he's only doing that because i've practically have known the kid since birth, and he has almost every girl waiting in a line drooling over him, waiting to get their chance with the hottest hockey player in the 8th grade. Every girl loves him, from the math nerds to the prettiest cheerleaders at school. Besides all of the nerds that like him, i have a lot to compete with. Like this one girl , Abby Steinfield, she practically is connected to him half of the day... and she's absolutely gorgeous. Then look at me, i'm not the prettiest person, how in the world am i going to compete with that?!

When i'm finally finished ranting in my diary , i notice that it's after 8 and i haven't eaten yet today. So i go downstairs to get something to eat. I walk down and my mom is washing dishes and Charlie is watching TV. "Hey mom." i say softly. "Hey ella, hungry?" she asks not taking her attention off of the dishes. "Yeah." i respond taking a seat at the table. She hands me a plate with {insert favorite food} "Ella , what happened to your face."my mother says with a gasp. "Dad." i respond with a dull expression. "Why the hell were you with him." she asks mad. "I wasn't he -" she cuts me off "you know what , just finished your food and go to your room." she says with a sigh. i look over at Charlie to see if he was paying attention to my mom , but he wasn't. i sigh and finished up my food. i hand my mom the plate and go upstairs to my room again. me and my mom don't have to best relationship if you couldn't tell. When i get to my room, i go into the bathroom and brush my teeth, put my hair in a bun, wash my face , and do my business. I walk back into my room and plop down on my bed and start to read my favorite book "The Outsiders" by S.E Hinton. After reading for awhile, i set my alarm on my phone for 6:00 am. i lay down and almost instantly fall asleep.

hey guys , sorry this is short and kinda boring but in the next chapter i'm doing the love mix up thing. and i wanted to say that , this book takes place a few months before the Junior Good Will Games:)
word count ~ 862 words

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