chapter 13👑

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Ella's POV**
"Ella Conway." I get up from my seat and make my way down the little pathway towards the stage, that is in the middle of our football field. Our principal hands me my diploma and shakes my hand. I give him a warm smile and make my way towards the kids who have already been called, which includes Averman, Adam , and Charlie. We all stood in lines next to the stage. I stood in between Adam and Charlie. The name calling and giving out the diplomas surprisingly did not take long at all. Now, we are all in lines next to the stage. "You
guys are now officially graduates of the class of 2016." my principal says as we all throw our caps in the air. I throw my arms around Adam. The crowd cheers for the new grads. Adam kisses me. We pull apart and we rest our foreheads on each other's. "we did it blushie." he says moving the hair that has blown into my eyes. "yes we did banksie." I say with a smile. "Hey Ella." I hear a voice call out. oh my god. I turn my head to see a girl. Her brown hair is long and she looks so familiar. She's wearing a pink sun dress with white heals. I take a good look at her before noticing who she is, Ava. "Ava!" I squeal running towards her. As soon as i reach her I pull her into a hug. We stand there swaying back and forth for what felt like hours. "I've missed you so much." I mumble into her hair. "I've missed you too." she mumbles back. I could feel her smile on my shoulder. We pull apart , smiling at each other. "Well well well the one and only Adam Banks, my baby cousin." she says putting her hands over her heart. "hey i'm not your "baby cousin" , you are only two months older than me." Adam says crossing his arms over his chest. "two months is a big difference." she says poking at his chest. I giggle to myself. "oh stop fighting you too, you haven't even been together for 5 minutes." i say playfully rolling my eyes. "bring it on banks." Ava says motioning him to give her hug. they hug and of course Adam is towering over her. I swear Adam is taller than everyone. "Ella!" I hear Connie scream. I turn to see her. Her and Luis run to me and engulf me in a hug. "we did it."
i whisper. we pull apart with crazy smiles on our faces. we hear a camera flash and we all turn around to see my mom with the biggest smile on her face. "come on let me get a picture." my mom says motioning is to get together. Luis stands in the middle and me and Connie get on each side of him. "hey y'all come here." we hear dywane scream.  "come on." Connie says dragging me away from my mom. "Send me the picture mom." i yell to my mom as Connie drags me to the team. We reach the team and they are all gathered around coach. "hey coach what ya doing here." I ask slinging an arm around Julie. "You really think I would miss your graduation guys?" Coach asks crossing his arms across his chest.  We all laugh. "GROUP HUG." i yell as i pull people into coach. we are all laughing historically. "I also have good news." Coach says with a huge smile. "what!?" we all scream in unison. "1. we leave for Los Angles on Friday and 2. I'm pretty sure you all know Ava but if you don't she is Adams cousin and she'll be playing with us, here ya go. Banks #3." Coach says throwing a ducks jersey at Ava. "Thank you." She says with a huge smile. In case you didn't know , Ava is 14 like the rest of us. My mouth drops open. "NO WAY!" i squeal as me and Connie run towards her giving her a hug. "oh my god i'm so excited, I'm gonna be in LA with my two besties." I yell out as i sling my arms around Connie and Ava. "HEY!" Luis yells pretending to be offended. "and you too of course, Luis."  i say. he pouts and gives me that 'puppy dog face' . I walk over and hug him. "I love you Luis." I say as we pull apart. "Love you too." he says with a smile. "Come on , let's go out to eat." Bombay yells. we all cheer and get into cars and decide on what place we're going to. Me and Adam sit in the back of my mom's car. He puts a arm around my waist. I look over at him and smile. he kisses me quickly on the lips.
"i love you." he whispers.

heyooo, sorry i haven't uploaded in like a week. i started a new book and i have a lot of good ideas so go check it out. oh and 800 views! that's crazy! 800 people take time to read my crappy book, lmao love you all💞
word count~ 866 words
(sorry it's short)

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