chapter 11 👑

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Ella's POV**
ring ring ring
the last bell signaling the end of the day has finally rung. everyone begins cheering as we all file out of the classroom. like every day, but this time for the last, we all go our separate ways to ours lockers knowing we have to meet at the outside steps in front of school. me and Adam walk hand in hand. we let go of each other's hand and go to our lockers. we had to clean them our since we won't be returning. i had a bag in my locker for all of the stuff i had in there. it was mostly pictures and books but i had a few other things in there. pens, pencils,gum, food obviously, a little make up bag just in case, jewelry i've taken off and left in there, and you know the 'lady products'. as soon as i finish putting everything in the bag , i turn around to see Adam standing next to me, staring at me with a smile. "what?" i ask softly , returning his smile. "nothing your just so so, beautiful." he says with a sigh. i giggle as my cheeks heat up. "no , i'm not that beautiful." i say sighing as we continue to walk hand in hand. "why not why don't you think you're beautiful?" Adam asks. "I don't know , they're so many other girls prettier than me." i say looking at the floor. he stops and lifts my chin up so we are looking at each other. "don't compare yourself to other girls." he says with a laugh as he kisses my forehead , since he's so much taller then me. my cheeks heat up as he grabs my hand and directs me to the door. the whole team is there, and i'm guessing they are waiting for us. "where have you love birds been? we are all going to the lake later." Averman speaks up as we walk through the door. when Connie and Julie see me and Adam holding hands , they go crazy. i laugh at how ridiculous they look. "Yeah where have you guys been?" Charlie asks crossing his arms across his chest. "We were cleaning out my locker chill." i say rolling my eyes. "Yeah 'cleaning out your locker'" Goldberg buts in. "Come on guys we have practice then we are going to the lake." Guy says. oh no, i forgot about practice. we all had our roller blades so we put them on and rode to our houses. first was me and Charlie. i quickly walk up the stairs as fast as i could considering i have my skates on. i grab my hockey stick and bag. Me and Charlie meet in the living room. "bye mom, we're going to practice." i yell out opening the door. "but guys , be safe and have fun. love you." my mom screams from the kitchen. we get back to the game and stop at everyone's houses to get their stuff. once we were finished, we all met Bombay outside of this restaurant downtown. we spot him and we all start to chant 'coach coach coach coach ' . we reach Bombay and we all get him in a group hug. "alright guys alright guys." coach says. we all laugh and as a limo pulls up next to us. A man with gray hair and a suit pops out of the top. "hey guys, i'm Don Tibbles from Hendrix hockey apparel, your sponsors. who wants a card?" Mr. Tibbles announces. Coach laughs as we all go up to the limo to get a card. Coach went into the limo with Mr. Tibbles while we all talked about who the mysterious Mr. Tibbles was. Coach came out and we went to the rink. Once we got there , the same limo we saw earlier was there. We walk into the rink to practice. We got the news that we would be playing for team USA in the Junior Good Will Games in Los Angles, and we were leaving next Saturday. i was so excited, we are going to Los Angles, oh my god.

After Practice
                     The whole way home me and Charlie talked about playing for team USA and about the dance that was in 3 hours and we still had to get ready. When we reached my house , Connie and Julie came with and and all of the boys went to Adams house. The girls left their dresses at my place so we could get ready together. We race up to my room. We each get a shower since we are all sweaty and probably smell awful from practice. When i got out of the shower, i just out of a bra, underwear, and a long t shirt so i didn't have to wear my dress while i got ready. I blow dry my hair while Connies in the shower. When Connies done, Julie gets in. Connie gets dressed in something of mine then quickly brushes and blow drys her hair. By now Julie is our and is blow drying her hair while Connie is curling mine. Connie does my makeup while Julie straightens Connie's hair. Connie does Julie's makeup. Then curls her hair. We all got into our dresses and walk downstairs, none of the boys are here but my mom was so she was taking pics of the three of us. we heard the door open and the sound of laughter filled the room. Us three walk to the door, to see all of the boys in suits, they all look real good. Adam looks over from his conversation with Charlie. Our eyes meet. A smile forms on his face, i smile back as i make my way over to him. I reach him and pull him into a hug, my arms around his shoulders and his around my waist. "You look beautiful." he whispers in my ears. I pull back from the hug and smile. "Not to bad yourself, Banksie." i say with a smirk. "Thank you Blushie." he says with wink. of course I blush. he pulls me closer to him and wraps his arm around my waist. this night is going to be interesting.

HEYYYY!! i don't really like this :// but in the next chapter they will be at the dance / graduation when you meet the new character, (i changed her name to Ava)  and A LOT will happen😏 btw the pic is what i imagine Ava to look like who is my cousin Greaser_Girl2006

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