chapter 15👑

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Ella's POV**
I woke up the next morning with a smile on my face. I look to my left to see a sleeping Adam. I smile and lean over to kiss his cheek. He groans and stirs in his sleep. "Wake up sleepy head." I whisper in his ear. "Ugh I don't want to." Adam says turning his back to me. I sigh and lay back down facing away from him. After a few moments of silence i feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I turn around to see Adam's big blue eyes staring at me. I smile as a blush creeps on my face. He smiles and kisses my forehead. I close my eyes and snuggle closer to his chest. He has his arms still wrapped around my waist. "Honestly I wish we could stay like this forever." I sigh. "Me too." he whispers. At that very moment someone comes barging through the door. "Breakfast is - oh did I interrupt something." Charlie says wiggling his eyebrows. I notice Connie is with him too, looking down at his phone. "Uh Char, we got a problem." Connie says nervously as she hands him the phone. He looks at it and his expression goes from happy to sad in a matter of 2.5 seconds. He sighs putting his phone in his pocket. "Hey Char, what's the matter." I ask getting up from my bed and over to my twin. "Bree , she um she broke up with me." He sighs. My face goes red. "wait are you serious and she did it over text oh i'm gonna kill her." I say trying to get through the door but i'm stopped by all three of them holding me back. I finally give up and look at Charlie. I haven't seen him this sad since dad left. "You really liked her , didn't you." I ask. He nods his head slowly. "Yeah. Yeah i did a lot." He sighs looking at the ground. "Oh Charlie." I whisper and hug him tightly. "You are going to be ok, there is plenty of fish in the sea, you'll find the right one." I say pulling apart with a smile. He smiles. "Thanks sis." He says giving me a quick hug. "You know what , lets go out to eat i'm freaking hungry." Connie says. "Oh and text Ava, see if she wants to go." Connie adds. I nod my head and grab my phone from my dresser.

Text Convo«»

Me- Hey Ava, you awake?!
Ava😊💚- Yeah. Why what's up?
Me-  Adam, Charlie, Connie , and I are going to eat some where for breakfast. Do you wanna come?
Ava😊💚- Yeah of course! Give me some time to get ready tho😉
Me- Yay! Take your time though, we all still have to get ready lol
Ava😊💚- Okay, see you soon. Love you
Me- Love you too

End of Text.

"Ava is coming." I yell down the stairs. They went downstairs to do God knows what. I hop in the shower and do my regular routine. I go to reach for a towel when I realize someone is in the bathroom. I scream, shutting the curtain to cover my body. "It's just me." I hear Adam say. "ADAM!" i yell. "what? what's so wrong?" he asks with a smirk. "IM NAKED. AND YOURE STANDING IN THE BATHROOM." i yell at him. "Sooooo.." he drags on with a smirk. "GET OUT!" I yell. "fine fine." he says with a playful smirk. "ugh finally." I say as he shuts the door behind him. I wrap my self in a towel and walk out to see Adam innocently sitting on my bed. I flip him off while I walk to my dresser. He gasps and puts his hand over his heart, pretending to me offended. I laugh and look for an outfit.

I grab my clothes and take them into my bathroom

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I grab my clothes and take them into my bathroom. I brush my teeth and hair. I quickly do my makeup and braid my hair into two french braids. I put on sunglasses and grab my black vans and slide them on. "I'm ready." I say walking out of the bathroom.
•time skip•
by now everyone is ready and we are on our way to pick up Ava and go somewhere to eat. We are all starving! We reach Adam's house quickly. Adam goes in to get Ava. After a few minutes, Ava comes out wearing jeans and a blue crop top. I could totally see Charlie checking her out. I nudge him with my elbow. "Take a picture it will last longer." I say turning around to walk. "Oh shut up."I hear Charlie yell at me. I giggle to myself when i feel someone grab my hand. I look up to see Adam smiling down at me. I smile back up at him and lace our fingers together. "I love you." Adam says with a baby voice. I laugh. "I love you too." I say back in a baby voice. He laughs and leans down, giving me a kiss on the cheek. We finally get to a diner and go inside. We get seated quickly and i'm sitting in between Adam and Ava with Charlie and Connie on the other side. I smirk to myself, this is gonna be an interesting summer.


this sucked i'm sorry:/ next chapter they're off to LA;)
word count~ 906 words (really short oops it's late)

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