chapter 2👑

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Ella's POV**
"what the he'll are you making me watch" adam says laughing. "the breakfast club! you've never heard of it?" i asked shocked. he shakes his head and i gasp. i put my hand over my heart and fake cry "my favorite movie and my best friend dosent know what it is." he laughs and throws a pillow at me. i give him a stare "oh it's on banks" i get up and tackle him and pin his arms down , he's stronger than me so he flips me around and now im the one being pinned to the ground. "fine you win" i say giving him a smile. he smiles at me. he let's go and sits up. i point to the door , he gives me a confused look. "i have to get changed" i say with a cute , innocent smile. he chuckles and rolls his eyes. "anything for you princess" he gets up and walks out the door . is it bad when he called me princess i melted inside. i change into a shirt and sweat pants and throw my hair in a messy bun. "your good banksy" i yell. he walks through the door. he smiles and puts on the movie. i squeal and get all excited. he looks over at me and laughs. we sit and watch the movie when my phone buzzes.
Text Convo:
Connie💘: hey el, you wanna go to the mall with me tomorrow. just us two
Me: sure sounds fun:)
Connie💘: okk , be ready by 1.
Me: okayy, love u
End of texts
i shit off my phone and put it next to me.
"who was it?" Adam asks. "Connie , wanted to see if i wanted to go to the mall." he smiles at me and looks back at the movie. i could feel my eyes going heavy i laid back and closed my eyes ,quickly falling asleep.
next morning
i woke up. i say up and yawned. i look over and see Adam sleeping next to me. aww he's so cute when he sleeps. i get up and jump on him. "BANKSY, WAKEY WAKEY" i yell. he quickly opens his eyes. "ugh what the hell el" he says in a cute raspy voice. "sowwy" i say in a baby voice. he laughs and pulls me into a hug. "i'm hungry" i say while pulling away from the hug. he laughs and gets up. "wait i have to get changed." i say grabbing my bag. he turns around so he can't see me. i pull out my clothes and quickly get changed. i pull out my brush and my makeup. "you can look" i say as i brush my long brown hair. he turns around and smiles at me as he sits down on his bed. i braid my hair back into two french braids. i put on some foundation and mascara. "ok now i'm ready" i say with a smile. i open the door and Adam follows behind me. we sit downstairs at his table. you can smell bacon which makes me even more hungry.
*skip eating*
once we were done eating , we decided to walk back to my house to get charlie. my house was only a few blocks away so it didn't take long at all to get to my house. we walk in "MOM IM HOME"i scream. i walk up stairs and walk into Charlie's room. he was sitting there listening to music with just his boxers on. i scream "ahhhhhhh ewww charlie!" "sorry your the ones that barged the the door." charlie laughs. i cover my eyes as the boys laugh at me. i try walking out the door but i trip and almost fall. someone catches me. i uncover my eyes and see Adam. he's holding onto my waist. we were standing there like this for a few seconds before charlie called out "um hello." he pulls his hands off my waist and i look down blushing. oh no, my feelings are getting even more stronger.

hey guys, i kinda don't like this chapter but i have some ideas coming up :)
word count~690 words ❤

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