chapter 9👑

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Ella's POV**
Us three girls hop into the back seat of my moms car. "hey girls." mom says in a happy voice. shocking she actually can be in a good mood when i'm around. Connie and Julie were talking about what color dress they're looking for whom i just toned them out and though why the hell am i even going shopping for a dress. No one is going to ask me to go anyway. I sigh as my mom pulls into the parking lot of some store i've never heard of. Us four get out of the car and walk into the huge store filled of dresses from top to bottom. Connie and Julie browse through the racks of dresses while i sit in a chair with my head in my hands. i feel someone tap me on the shoulder. I look up to see my mom towering over me. "Go look for a dress, it's on me." she says with a smile. I nod and smile, i'm suprised she actually smiled at me, she never does. I walk over to the girls. At the moment Julie is holding up dresses and asking Connies opinion on all of them. i let out a little laugh and walk up behind them. "Julie i like the white one , it brings out your eyes."
i say pretending like i know what i'm saying. The girls laugh at me and i go take a look around. i find one that i like and try it on. I show the girls and my mom, and they said it was perfect.


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       when we found the right dresses, we had to get shoes

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       when we found the right dresses, we had to get shoes. I got silver heels, Julie got white , and Connie also got white. Once we were finally done shopping, we went to a place to eat. We all agreed on pizza. We drive to a little pizza place by the dress store. We all get out and walk into the place. We order our food and talk and laugh. I'm surprisingly having a good time. "So girls , who are the lucky boys taking you girls to the dance?" my mom asked laughing. Connie and Julie automatically say who they are going with but i sit there , silent. "How about you, El?" my mom asks with a smile. "No one." i sigh looking away. Connie whispers something in her ear. my mom smiles and nods. "I seen it coming." my mom said. Connie and Julie giggle and i sit there confused. Once we were done shopping and eating , it was  8:30 so my mom just dropped the girls off at their houses. We pull into the drive way of the house and get our. "Thanks for today, i surprisingly had a lot of fun, even though we were shopping." i say. she laughs and smiles. "No problem." my mom says as i open the door. But at the same time as me, someone on the other side opens the door. I go to walk in but instead i walk into someone, causing me to fall back. i close my eyes and wait to hit the ground, but instead i feel a pair of hands on my waist. i open my eyes to meet the beautiful blue eyes of the one and only , Adam Banks. I smile as i stand myself up, his beautiful smile, smiles back at me. oh that smile , the one i fell in love with. "Hey." he says softly. "Hi" i sigh. "Oh um me and Averman were just leaving." Adam says to my mom with a smile. He moves so now i can see Averman. i wave shyly at him and he waves back. "oh ok, see you boys tomorrow." my mom says with a smile. Adam hugged me and whisper "bye"
then i hugged Averman. I watched them walk down the street. I turn and walk into the house and go upstairs to sethe Charlie. I walk into his room and plop down on his bed. he looks up from the book he was reading. "what's up."
he asks closing the book. "I have a question." i say. "Yeah what is it." he says. "If someone doesn't love you , is it ok to love them?" i ask looking down. Charlie smiles
"Yes Ella, it's ok to love Adam." Charlie says with a laugh. i quickly look up wide eyed."how did you know?" i ask worried. "By the way you look at him or the way you act around him. you are in love. And from what i heard, he feels the same way." Charlie says with a smile. "Really?
but he said he was asking someone to the dance." i say sadly. Charlie gives me a smile. "Just wait and see." he says. I smile at him. "thanks Charlie." i say walking out of the room and into mine. i hang the dress in my closet and put the heels by my bed. i put on pajamas and get into bed. I play in my phone for a while when i notice that the group chat with all of the ducks has been blowing up.
Adam🙈❤- hey guys guess what!!
Luis😏- what's up man
Bro (Charlie)💞- what's up
Adam🙈❤- my cousin Emma is moving in with me and my family next week!!
Julie 🐱- that's awesome :)
Goldberg🍩- why she moving in?
Goldberg 🍩- what ? what did i say?
Adam🙈❤- her mom left them when she was small and now her dad has cancer:(
Connie💘-aw i feel so bad :,(
Adam🙈❤-yeah but she's strong , she can get through it.
I turn off my phone with a smile on my face. obviously i feel bad for Emma , but she's so nice and i love her. I've met her a few times. She lives in philadelphia now. I set my alarm and slowly drift off to sleep.

heyy guys, sorry this is late but my cousin Emily is now in the story!!! emilyk10 , follow her !❤❤ oh sorry this is short:(

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