chapter 6👑

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Ella's POV**
Once i was finished letting out basically all of my emotions, i decided to take a walk. Since it's spring and it's nice out, i wear shorts and a short sleeve shirts. I walk out of the house with my earphones and my phone making sure to tell Charlie where i'm going or he would freak. I guess my mom wouldn't really care , Charlie has always been her favorite twin. But i don't really mind it and to be honest Charlie was the nicer twin. Charlie got good grades, was nice to people, more understanding , me on the other hand was the opposite of that, i mean i'm kinda good in school and i do get somewhat decent grades. I walk around the neighborhood for what seemed like hours , trying to clear my mind of what happened earlier today. But i can't stop replaying the words and the kiss in my head. I wasn't going to tell any of the other ducks , they would probably try and beat him up or something. For now , me , Connie, Julie, and Luis will keep it between us.

Luis (ouuu new POV?)
I couldn't believe what i did. I truly do love Ella , with all of my heart, but why would i do that to her. She obviously doesn't like me in that way, we have been best friends since me and the four others came here at the beginning of the year to play hockey. I hope I didn't mess up our friendship, i can't lose her , i would lose myself. She tried to smile at me on the way home and be being the idiot i am , i didn't smile back . It probably made me look like such a douche. I may love her , but i know she loves Adam. She's never admitted it but you  can just tell. The way she looks at him, her eyes sparkle. The smile that is only plastered on her face when he's around. The cute little laugh she makes when he does something funny. The way her checks turn bright red when she accidentally touches her hand or call her cute. I know that i will never be able to have her in that way, but if i can see her happy and still remain to be best friends with her, i'm happy for her.

Everything i tried to get Luis off my mind wasn't working. I had to talk to someone, since i was already out i decided to run to Connies house that wasn't to far from where i was. I took off running as fast as i can. Since i was running so fast i got to her house in 3 minutes. I knock on the door trying to regain my breath. After a few seconds Connie answers the door. "What the hell is wrong with you." she asks wide eyed. "I. ran. here." i say making each word its own sentence. She pulls me into her house. "We need to talk." i say finally being able to catch my breath. "El , Guy is here." Connie says pointing to the couch where Guy is sitting. i look over and he waves at me , i wave back. "Shoot is this like a date thing or a make out sesh." i ask Connie laughing. She laughs and nods. "Oh sorry , i'll leave." I say giving Connie and Guy a quick hug. "Are you sure your ok El, you said you had to talk?" Connie questions. "Yeah i'll be fine." i say with a fake smile. She smiles back and i walk out of the door. I look down at my phone 5:36 I better get home before my mom has something to say about me being late to dinner. I walk back home silent , letting a few tears fall. This is so hard and confusing, i wish my mom would talk to me or help me but my mom doesn't really like me. I walk in threw the front door at 5:45.
Charlie, Averman, and Adam are sitting in the living room. The sight of Adam makes my stomach turn. I quickly go upstairs before the three boys could see me. I go into my room and shut the door. I look out the window as my moms car pulls into our driveway. I sigh and lay my head on my pillow. "Why does life have to suck." i ask myself out loud. "I don't know, why does it." says a voice. I jump up but calm down once i see that it's just Julie. She comes over and hugs me and sits beside me. "Still kinda shook over what happened?" she asks breaking the hug. I nod. "I don't know what to do. I love him as a brother and that is the only way i will love him, nothing more. Then there's Adam and i'll finally admit it. I'm in freaking love with him and i have never felt this way before , let alone my best friend then i have my other best friend apparently in love with me. I don't even understand what he sees in me." i sigh. "Um El." Julie says pointing at the door. Charlie is standing there, with his mouth wide open. I can feel my cheeks heating up, so i look away and stare at the wall. "I knew it , i knew you loved him." charlie screamed. "Who loves who." Adam says walking up behind Charlie.  "um no , um no one." i stutter. All three laugh and i look at the wall feeling embarrassed as ever. "Hey you guys wanna watch a movie?" Adam asks between laughs. Gosh his laugh is so cute. We all agree. We head downstairs to Averman on his phone fighting with someone. "I told ya Liz it was a one day kinda thing." Averman yells into the phone. Us four stand behind a wall trying to contain our giggles. "Oh come on Liz i love you , wait Liz , hello?" Averman says. We all couldn't hold it in any longer, we all burst out into laughter. Rolling on the floor, Averman shoots us dirty looks. I get up and walk over towards Averman. "Hey Les don't take it to heart." i say still laughing, i give him a quick hug and walk into the living room and put on the movie Footloose. My mom ordered pizza and we all ate while watching the movie. The last scene of the movie comes on where they are all at the dance thing and the song "footloose" plays. Me and Julie give each other a look and smirk. We hop yo from our place on the floor and dance all around the living room while singing the lyrics. "Now I gotta cut loose
Footloose, kick off the Sunday shoes
Please, Louise, pull me off of my knees
Jack, get back, come on before we crack
Lose your blues, everybody cut footloose"

we sing on the top off our lungs as the boys watch and laugh at how ridiculous we are. When the song / movie is over me and Julie bow and start to laugh along with the boys. My mom came in and ruined all of the fun saying everyone had to go home since it was eight. Me and Charlie walk them to the door. I give Julie and Averman hugs but when i get to Adam he smiles and bends down planting a soft kiss on my cheek. I smile back and hug him. I was blushing and smiling like an idiot. "Bye Cake-Eater." i say as we pull apart. "Bye blushie." my eyes go wide "Blushie?". "Yeah cause you blush all the time." he says with a cute little chuckle. I smile and cover my cheeks so he couldn't see my redness. he bends down since he's way taller than me and whispers "Don't worry , red looks good on you." he winks before turning around. Julie jumps up and down and squeals. I giggle to myself and wave them goodbye. I turn to Charlie , he has this weird look on his face. "what?" i ask shrugging my shoulders. He shakes his head and laughs. "Goodnight Mrs. Banks." he says with a little laugh as he kisses my forehead. "Hey you'll pay for that Conway."
i yell at him. He turns around from going up the stairs. "Sure i will."

holaaa, sorry this took so long :( but the picture up top is what i imagine Ella to look like 💞

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