chapter 8 👑

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Ella's POV**
As we are walking to our 8th period class, which is the last period of the day, Charlie sees Brianna. "Hey Bree." Charlie said with a smile. Brianna wasn't with her friends, which means she'll probably stop to talk to Charlie. "Hey Charlie." she says as a bright red color darkens her cheeks. "Aw they're so cute." I whisper to Connie who is standing next to me. She sighs and nods. "Um uh are you going with anyone to the dance?" Charlie asks scratching the back of his next nervously. She smiles and shakes her head 'no'. Charlie smiles and asks "Do you maybe want to go with me?". She blushes even more and says "Yeah, of course. Pick me up and seven." she says with a wink as she begins to walk in the opposite direction. Charlie has the biggest smile on his face, i haven't seen him this happy since we won he Pee Wee championship. All of the boys were laughing and patting him on the back. Russ was making stupid jokes on how charlie was nervous but hey that's Russ for ya. Connie, Julie, and I catch of to the boys. We walk over to Charlie. "You guys are literally the cutest." Connie says squealing. "You and Bree are goals." Julie says joining connie in the squealing fest. "You might be older than me but no funny business." i say with a straight face pretending to be a mother. He looks at me and laughs causing me to burst into laughter. I hug him and we began walking back to class. Our last class of the day is ELA. In this class , i sit all the way in the front next to Dean and behind me is Averman and Ken. ELA has always been my favorite subject, but since Mrs. Gibson is supper boring, we just sit in class and goof around. She gave us a paper to do and i think i was the only one actually doing it. Once i was finished i turned around so i was facing Dean, Averman, and Ken. "So Ella Bella you going to the dance with someone?"
Averman asks. I laugh. "Ella Bella? and nope no ones asked me yet, or if someone's gonna even ask me at all." i sigh. "that won't be for long." i heard Guy say from across the room. Adam, who sits behind Guy, hits him in the back of the head. i giggle and wave over at Adam and he smiles and waves back. "Hey don't think that. maybe someone in this very room has the hots for you." Dean says nudging me in the shoulder. I laugh and shake my head. "I doubt anyone likes me in here." i say with a sigh. "Ok , you owe me five dollars if i get this right." Averman says. I nod for him to continue. "Right now at least two boys are staring at you." i look around the room. "See! Fulton , Goldberg, and Banks are looking at you. Boom! Not just two boys but three." he says with a smirks.  "i owe you five bucks." i say laughing. I look over at Adam and since he still looking at me , i wave at him. He blushes and waves back , turning around to talk to Charlie.
"Looks like someone has a crush on cake eater himself." Averman says with a laugh. The bells rings. i stand up grabbing my books laughing. "Oh shut up Averman." i say playfully punching his shoulder. I walk out beside Connie. I quickly go to my locker and grab the stuff i'll need for homework, not forgetting Averman's five dollars. i quickly walk back to the team, who is outside on the steps in the front of the school. I walk up to Averman , slinging my arm around his shoulder. "And here is your five bucks Mr. Averman." i say laughing while i hand the five dollar bill to Les. "Oh why thank you Mrs. Banks." he says with a sarcastic smile. I nudge him in the side of the stomach. "My nicknames catching on." Charlie says walking up to me with the biggest smirk on his face. I roll my eyes and look away, blushing. "And blushie returns." says Russ , using the nick name Adam gave me. I punch him in the arm and look away. I hear foot steps from behind em. Connie comes over and puts an arm around me. "Hey don't worry about them, but when are you going to tell everyone." Connie says , whispering the last part. i gasp. "Is it that noticeable?" i ask shocked. "I'm afraid so hun." Connie says with a sigh as we walk up my drive way. We walk through the door. Since my mom isn't home , we can do anything we want to. "Connie , Julie , Luis. my room. NOW." i say pushing the three up the stairs. On the way up i stop Connie. "Does anyone know about what happened yesterday?" i ask whispering. she shakes her head 'no'. i sigh in relief, no one knows Luis kissed me, thank god. we all walk into my room and i lock the door behind me. "I can't do this anymore." i sigh as i lay down on my bed. "Do what?" Julie asks. i motion for them to come closer. "Adams taking someone to the dance." i say sadly. "And i'm in love with him." All three look at each other and smirk.i roll my eyes and go to the door. As i knew , Jesse and Averman were sitting at the door trying to listen. i sigh in frustration, stepping over them not really caring if they heard the conversation. I walk downstairs and sit on the coach next to Dean. "What's up with you sis?" Charlie asks. "i'm fine." i reply. i've notice that  i've been lying a lot lately, saying. that i'm fine when i'm far from it. "You sure? you can always talk to us." Fulton says. i smile and nod my head. "i'm ok." Just then the five that were upstairs come down. "Now we have a surprise for Mrs.." "don't say it." i warn. "For Mrs. Banks herself." Averman says with a smirk. i sigh and put my head in my hands. "WE ARE GOING SHOPPING!" Julie and Connie yell. "For what?" i ask getting up. "For the dance silly." Connie says with a huge smile. i stand up and grab my bag. "i guess i'll go." i say walking towards the girls. they squeal and jump up and down."Let's get going, your mom won't wait forever." Julie says walking towards the door. "my mom?" i ask. "yeah we called her and she said she would help you pick the dress." Connie says with a smile. i nod and walk out the door.
this should be interesting.

hey guys 💗 sorry this chapter was boring :/ i might post later today :)

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