chapter 17👑

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ella's POV**
"that wasn't game, that was a statement." coach yells pumping a fist in the air. the team cheers. we had just won the first game of the goodwill games and we are so excited. we beat trinidad and tobago 9-2, wow.

"ladies and gentlemen, team usa hockey. and the man chosen to lead them to the gold, gordon bombay." mr tibbles introduces us at our first press conference thingy. all of sudden a bear runs up onto the stage, i couldn't help but laugh. "ok get some shots with the bear."don calls out stepping away from the stage. after the bear went away, questions began. "team  usa, how does it feel competing on an international level here in los angels?" a woman asks. before coach could say anything, the team answers with "i love it" or "it's awesome" . "coach bombay , the vikings from iceland are the heavy favorites. their coach is already guaranteed victory." another woman pops up. "how are you going to handle them." the same woman asks. "um.. hard work. i think our team is ready to go up against the best in the world. we're not worried about them, they may be tough but we are team usa and we are going all the way." coach answers. the team claps and cheers while coach gets a thumbs up from don, who is sitting in the crowd. "okay that's it." don says. the press conference was over but out of no where we heard a voice call out. "team usa is going down that's where you're going." a man says. "stanson from the n.h.l wolf 'the dentist stanson' is coaching. you never told me that." coach whispers to don. "that guy's a dentist." ken asks from behind me. "that was his nickname, played one year of pros, and collected more teeth than goals." i tell ken. "he even punched out his own coach." charlie adds in. "i heard they ran him out of the league and the country." julie says walking up next to me. "what happened to freedom of speech, isn't this america." stanson yells out with an evil smirk. "that's his team, those guys are huge!" ken whines

"okay, ella, julie, connie, and luis. this room." miss mckay our tutor says. she was in charge of getting everybody a room. i walk in through the door. i jump on the bed by the window.
"this ones mine." i breathe out closing my eyes. i could hear the arguing of who gets what bed. i laugh as i sit-up.
"just pick a bed." i say with a smile.
connie hops on the one next to me and julie and luis are on the other to across the room.
"i can't believe that we are here, in la! it's amazing." i hear julie say from across the room.
"agreed, this is going to be a great two weeks." connie calls over.
"i'll be back, i'm gonna go see what everyone is up too." luis says getting up from his bed.
"bye luis." i say with a small wave and a smile.
he waves back and hurries out the door.
"weird." connie says jumping off her bed.
"since he has been acting strange lately, we are going to look around to see if there is anything that explains what is going on." connie says opening his bag. julie gives me a strange look but i shrug my shoulders, getting up to join connie in searching. after a good 10 minutes of searching , i hear connie.
"aha i found something." connie yells. she holds up a book. she flips through the pages.
"no way." she mutters to herself.
"what? what is it?" i yell, rushing over to take a look at the book.
"luis has a diary?" julie asks.
"seems like it." i mutter.
"wow el, a lot of it is about you." connie says.
i reach over and grab the book right out of her hands. i read some of it. she was right, a lot of it is about me. about my hair, eyes, personality, how pretty i am?
"ok wow." i say shutting the book.
"does it have any dates, like anything recent?"julie asks. connie flips to the most recent page. she nods her head looking up at us.
"june 28." she says. i gasp.
"that was yesterday." i say slapping my hand against my forehead.
"so it's obvious he still is in love with el." julie says with a sigh.
"yeah pretty-" connie is cut off by the sound of the door. we give each other a look. connie tries the book at me and i hide it behind my back. charlie and adam come in through the door. i sigh in relief, thank god it's not luis, he would kill us.
"um why are you guys just randomly sitting in the middle of your room?" charlie asks.
"oh um no reason at all." i say giving him a nervous smile.
he nods his head slowly.
"well we are having dinner and coach said to come and get yous." charlie says walking out the door, adam following.
"wait!" i yell out "is luis down stairs?" i ask.
"yeah why?" adam asks somewhat annoyed.
"oh i'm just wondering, he left awhile ago and didn't say where he was going. just kinda got worried." i say , proud of myself for making it sound so true. he nods his head and walks out.

"that was close."

ugh this is short sorry:/

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