chapter 14👑

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Ella's POV**
"And that jerk busted my knee. ugh i wanted to cream him." Coach says. At the moment , he was telling us the story from when he broke his knee in the minors not to long ago. We've heard the story so many times, but we don't mind hearing it again. We were all walking out of the fancy restaurant we all went to for dinner. "I have an idea." I declare. "What's up." Coach says. "We should i'll go to the lake and celebrate being out of hell and the Good Will games!" I yell. Coach laughs but nods his head. "Let's go." he says. We all cheer , getting back into the crazy amount of cars we had to take to get to the place. Connie and Adam came with me , my mom, and Charlie so we had to go to both of their houses before going to ours and the lake. First was Connie, she quickly went in and put on a purple bikini top and a white bottom. She threw on jean shorts and flip flops. "Hey El, what time is it?" Connie asks as we walk out of her house and into my car. I turn my phone on."uh it's 4:48." I say with a smile and i buckle my seat belt. She nods and smiles back at me. We got to Adams house and he went in and got his belongings. We were now finally on our way to the lake. The lake wasn't far at all . It was where we all played hockey in the winter and where we first met coach, this place is very sentimental to me. We pull up on the side of the lake. All four of us hop out. "Call me when you guys want to come home. Love you guys be safe and have fun." my mom says with a smile and a little wave and she sped off. The rest of the team was already there. I was wearing a blue bikini top and bottom. "Ella! You are never going to believe what I saw." Averman says pulling my arm. We get to a nearby tree and stand under it. By now Connie came up behind us. "Girls you are never going to believe what i read in Luis' diary." Averman begins to explain. "wait? Luis has a diary?" I ask laughing. "Ugh yes and I found out some valuable information." Averman says with a sigh. "well what was it." Connie asks leaning an arm on my shoulder. "It was all about El. Her smile, laugh, looks, hockey skills. EVERYTHING." Averman explains , telling the last part. My eyes go wide. I sigh and slap my forehead with my palm. "He still likes me?" I ask whispering. "I think so hun." Averman says putting his hand on my shoulder. "Don't tell him I went through his diary." he says with a wink as he walks over to the rest of my teammates. I sigh. "Averman will be Averman." Connie says laughing. We both laugh with an arm wrapped around each other's shoulders. We walk down back to the rest of the crew. I was standing my the edge of the lake. I dip my foot in , instantly regretting it. "Oh my god. it's freezing!" I yell out. "hey where's Ad-" I don't get to finish my question. I'm pushed into the freezing cold lake.I swim to the surface, gasping for air. The whole team is laughing but I spot someone standing by the edge of the lake right where i was pushed in, Adam Banks. I cross my arms across my chest and sigh. I try to get out of the lake but am pushed right back in my Adam. "I'm going to die of pneumonia! It's so cold." I say shivering. "Get used to it , princess." Adam says with a wink as he jumps into the lake, right beside me making sure to splash me right in the face. I roll my eyes and try to swim away. But as I swim i'm held back but a pair of storing hands ok my waist. Adam spins me around with a smirk on his face. "You can't swim away princess." he says planting a kiss on my forehead. I blush , looking down at the blue water. He lifts my chin up , grinning. "You're so cute." He says leaning into kiss me, which I gladly accept and kiss him back. We pull apart smiling at each other. "Aww my number one-" Connie is cut off my Guy pushing her into the lake. I giggle as Connie comes up to the surface and begins to yell at Guy. Guy jumps in splashing Connie in the face like Adam did to me. Then one by one everyone began to jump in. I smile as I watch, Adams hands still on my waist. Connie swims over laughing. "Hey El, did you think that me you and Julie are ruining all of our makeup?" Connie asks laughing. I laugh and her and touch my cheek, revealing runny mascara all over my fingers. I sigh. "Great. Now all three of us are going to look like raccoons." I say with a giggle. Connie laughs. "You still look gorgeous girl." Connie says with a wink. "Right back at cha." I say blowing a kiss. She laughs and hugs me. Every girl deserves a best friend like Connie. We all swim and have a blast for the next few hours. It starts to get dark and everyone is tired so we all decide to head home.  "ADAM!" I whine. he turns around. "yeah babe?" He asks sitting down next to me on the grass. "Can you sleep over?" I ask with a pouty face. He smiles and laughs. "Yeah of course." he says as he pulls out his phone to text his mom. "She said it's fine." Adam says with a smile. I called my mom already and told her that we were ready to come home. I heard a car honk and i turn my head to see my moms car. Me, Charlie , and Adam walk over after saying our goodbyes. We'll be seeing the team tomorrow because we have practice in the afternoon. We drive home and i'm sooo tired. I get a quick shower and braid my hair. I change and brush my teeth. Once i'm finally done getting ready I hop into bed next to Adam. He wraps his arms around me and i lay my head on his chest. "I love you, goodnight." I whisper to him as my eyes begin to close. "I love you too, Blushie."

what's upppp dudess! holy lord i'm almost at 1k reads and that makes me super happy that people actually read my story lol:) love yous

word count- 1139 words ❤

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