chapter 16👑

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Ella's POV
I watch as the houses shrink as we begin to get higher and higher in the sky. I smile to myself knowing that I'm going to be representing USA in a competition up against the world. I'm so excited. I'm going to LA with my best friends, these two weeks are going to be interesting. I look over at Luis, who is sitting next to me. He's sleeping as usual. I laugh to my self lightly. Coach is on the other side of Luis and Connie is next to Coach. I listening to music on my phone as i watch the clouds in the sky. It's so pretty and and peaceful so high up. I feel someone's eyes on me, so I look to the left of me to see Adam across the isle staring at me. He looks away like he wasn't looking but looks back at me with a smile. I smile and wave at him. He winks at me and i blow him a kiss. we both start to laugh, we actually were laughing so hard we woke up coach. "what's so funny you two." coach says grinning. "oh nothing." i say innocently. he laughs and shakes his head. "just remember, i called that you guys would get together." coach says leaning back in his seat.
i look over at adam and laugh.
"oh coach" i laugh slightly.
"LA baby, here we are." i hear russ call out as we all exit the plane. "the home town of the one and only , russ." guy joins in. i laugh at how idiotic they are. "wow LA is beautiful, and we haven't even left the airport." i say to connie as we walk in to get our bags. "agreed." she says with a smile. "well LA isn't as beautiful as you." guy says wrapping an arm around connie. she kisses his cheek but when she turns around i notice that she is blushing, hard

"aw you guys are too cute." i say pinching connies cheek. connie rolls her eyes at me.
"oh you know you love me." i say flipping my hair. she laughs but nods her head.
"yeah , sadly i have a crazy best friend, but she's cute anyway." connie says with a smile. i gasp , placing my hand over my heart pretending that i was offended by her words.
"oh connie." i sigh with a hint of laughter.
"love you girly." connie says with a wink.
"love you more girly." i say with a wink.
"hey what about me?" guy asks, pouting at us.
connie laughs but leans in to kiss him.
"i love you ." she says with a bright smile.
"i love you too." guy says with a smile.
i gag to get their attention. connie rolls her eyes.
"i'm right here." i say waving my arms . connie laughs at me and shakes her head.
"go suck cake-eater's face off will ya." she says with a giggle. "hm how about instead of that we get starbucks." i say placing my hands on my hips. "ouuu." connie says running lose of guy's grip and dragging me across the airport to the starbucks. i laugh as we get into line. "what?" connie asks me innocently. "and im the crazy one in this relationship." i sigh. connie laughs as she walks up to get her drink.
"what can i get cha." a older woman asks us.
"uh all have a medium caramel frap and what do you want el?" connie asks me.
"a medium mocha frap." i tell the lady. she smiles at us while connie and me give her money. we go over to wait for the drinks.
"so are you nervous about the games." connie asks.
"really nervous, but i'm excited too. it's a competition up against the world." i say throwing my arms in the air.
she laughs as she picks up her drink that was just put down on the counter. my gets our down next so i grab mine.
"let's go find the team." connie says as we walk out of the little starbucks.
we find the team by the doors of the airport.
"connie how the hell are we going to get to the place we are staying with all these people?" i ask as we walk through the door. if just on cue, a big bus pulls up in front of us. the bus is red, white, and blue and has the words 'USA' everywhere.
"wow." i say in amazement. "this is all for us?" i ask coach who was now standing next to me.
"yup, all for us ella." he says "now come on , we got practice in an hour."

sorry this is veryyy short but this is just a filler on what's gonna happen. the next chapter will be the start of D2 which i'm so excited about :))
word count - 815 words :(

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