chapter 12👑

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Ella's POV**
We all arrive at the school and head into the gym, which is where the dance is. There was a table that could fit all of us. We all sit and talk while we eat. After about twenty minutes, Connie, Julie, and I all go to the bathroom. We were towards the back of the barroom when we heard the sound of laughing and the fort opening. we each run into a stall and listen to the conversation of the girls who came in. "Ugh I can't believe that James would completely ditch me." a voice says. She was referring to James Harrison , the varsity quarterback for the football team. As soo as i heard her voice i knew actually who it was, Stacy. "I know right! And now he's here with Abby." Molly, Stacey's friend says. I honestly don't blame James, Abby is really nice and really pretty, unlike Stacey. "Yeah and I don't even know why i said yes to Conway. He's with them hockey losers and I don't even like him." Bree says with a laugh. i feel my heart drop and all i want to do was pound her in her face. Connie whispers to me through the stall "it's not worth it." i sigh as i hear the girls walk out. We walk out of the stall. "what ass holes." Julie says crossing her arms across her chest. "Tell me about." i say rolling my eyes. "Come on, let's go back to the boys. After tomorrow, we will never have to worry about the three hoes ever again." Connie says laughing and she puts her arms around me and Julie's shoulders. We walk out like that and go to the table across the gym where the boys are. "Let's dance." Connie yells as we reach the boys. They all laugh and get up. We dance and laugh at how stupid we all look, then a slow song comes on. Adam looks at me and smiles. He walks up to me. "Would you like yo dance." he says holding out his hand. I giggle and nod my head, wrapping my arms around his neck and him placing his hands on my waist. "Do you know that Bree is playing Charlie, she doesn't even like him?" I ask. He shakes his head and sighs. "Hoes will be hoes." he says. i giggle and look him in the eyes. "I'm so happy you said yes." he says. i smile and blush. "how could i pass." i say. he smiles as he leans in. i lean in too. our lips touch and it feels like my stomachs going to explode. the flash of a camera makes us pull apart. wr look at each other and smile. i look to my right where Goldberg and Averman are pretending to cry as they look at the picture they took of me and Adam. i laugh at them. "Send that the me." i say as i look back and Adam. the slow song ends and i kiss Adam one last time. He smiles when we pull apart. This was honestly the best night ever
Since we would all get home late, mom said that everyone could sleepover, we just had to be up early for graduation. The whole ceremony starts at 11 so we were all up by 7. We got up so early because everyone had to take a shower. The girls went first then all of the boys. Once the girls were finished, we went in my room. We are going to be wearing the dresses from the dance. We all did our hair and makeup and went downstairs. All of the boys were standing around the living room , i have to be honest, they all looked really good. When Adam saw me, his face lit up. He walked over to me and hugged me. "You look gorgeous." he whispers as he pulls back. I blush looking to the ground. "You don't look to bad yourself Mr. Banks." i say looking up and him with a playful smirk. "All right all right I want pictures so everyone gather round." my mom yells out to us. We get one with all of us, me and charlie, the girls, they boys, and then we were taking pictures each person. Pictures took awhile, but now we are all about to walk to school. I open the door and walk out. I smell the fresh early
summer air. This is it...

hey guys sorry i haven't updated by in the next chapter my cousin is introduced sooo that should be lit Greaser_Girl2006

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