chapter 18👑

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ella's POV**
"have you noticed that adam has been kinda pissed lately?" i ask the girls as we walk downstairs for dinner.
"yeah it's really weird, what if it something about luis and you." connie says.
"i hope its not about that." i tell the girls as we walk into the dining room. i take a seat next to adam and connie sits next to me. i smile over at adam and he smiles back, but he still looks sad. i sigh and put my head in my hands. this is going to be a long dinner.


"alright alright, bring it in." coach yells out. we had just got done practice and it was super tiring. "now i know you guys have worked hard today therefore let's have a little fun." coach says grabbing a rope. "ranger dwayne, round me up some stray cattle." coach says handing the rope to dwayne. "my pleasure." dwayne says with a huge smile. "oh god." i say getting up and quickly skating away. i watch as charlie , averman, and julie get out. i laugh hysterically but i soon stop when i see dwayne coming my way.
"oh no." i yell out skating quickly away. dwayne comes my away again so i duck down, going through his legs. i laugh and skate away, happy that i got away. i watched as he got out everyone but luis and me. i laugh and wave over and luis who is all the way at the other of the rink.
"go ella! go luis." i hear connie yell out from the bench. i laugh as i skate around. luis skates super fast down the side of the rink but is caught by dwayne. i laugh and skate over.
"i won!" i yell out pumping my fist in the air.
"good game best friend." luis says shaking my hand.
"good game best friend." i say with a smile.
"good job ella." ava, connie, and julie scream out skating over to me. we all laugh in a circle.
"uh oh." ava says. i look in the direction of her eyes. i see charlie and adam talking, well looks more like fighting.
"this is just great." i say skating off the ice. i was pissed and i don't want to be anywhere near anyone. i grab my stuff out of the locker room and quickly remove my pads and stuff. i throw everything in my locker and run out, not even taking a look behind me.


i was walking the streets of hollywood, minding my own business. i see a store, but in la 'no supervised children are allowed', ugh great. instead of going into the store , i find myself sitting in the little alleyway in between the store and another. i lay my head back, why is adam mad? i haven't done anything wrong. i swear if it's between luis and me. me and luis are like brother and sister, yes i know he has feelings for me, but as he said he doesn't want to ruin our friendship over his silly crush on me. i hear the sound of laughing. i look over and see three girls. they stop laughing when they see me. all three of them are stunning, all of long blonde hair and honestly , they kinda look like barbies. i guess it's a hollywood thing.
"looks like we have an outsider." one of the three say.
"yeah you definitely ain't from around here." another says.
"yeah i mean , look at those clothes." one says with giggle causing the others to laugh. i sigh and roll my eyes, getting up to walk away.
"we aren't finished." one says shoving me up against the brick wall.
"just leave me the hell alone." i say shoving her back.
"watch your mouth." says a guy appearing at the side of the girls. he looks about my age, just taller.
"don't tell me how to talk, rich boy." i say shoving his chest. {haha get cause adam said that line in the movie haha, ew i'm cringy, back to the book}
"don't touch my boyfriend." the one who shoved me first says. i scoff rolling my eyes.
"and what are you gonna go about it, hollywood hoe." i say with a smirk.
"alright that's it." she says throwing her hands at me. eventually the rest join in on her fun. i push one of them punching her across the face. she drops to the ground when another jumps on my back. i flip her over my head, throwing her into the dumpster that was right next to me. now it's just the power couple. i swing my right fist, my dominant hand, but she catches it. she kicks me hard in the stomach with her knee. i fall backwards but push myself up. i kick her right back grabbing her shirt and throwing her up against the wall. she punches me hard in the left eye, but i slap her hard and shove her into her friend on the ground.
"you know what, i know you." the boy says walking over to me, with something behind his back.
"you're ella conway, i've seen you play hockey. it would be such a shame to see such a pretty face not be able to play." he says touching um cheek with his hand, i slap it away.
he smiles evilly , pulling out a empty bottle of beer. he raises his hand and hits her over my head. i fall back on my back. i raise my hand to my forehead, feeling blood dripping down my face. i look up and he's now trying to wake up his girlfriend that i just knocked out a few minutes ago. i walk over and kick him in the side.
"ella? is that you." i hear a voice call out. i turn my head to see connie, guy, luis, and julie stabbing side by side.
"oh my god , your forehead! it's bleeding!" luis says rushing over to my side. he pulls me into a hug.
"i'm fine, i think." i say as me and luis pull back from our hug. i look over to see that adam and charlie have joined the party, yay. note my sarcasm.
"ella are you ok?" adam says rushing to my side.
"yeah i'm fine." i say turning away from him.
"what's been your problem lately , you've been ignoring me and i haven't done anything wrong." i yell.
"i'm not mad, i'm freaking jealous." he yells back.
"why? why the hell are you jealous." i yell back.
"because you and luis are close. you guys are best friends. and you may tell me that you guys are but i can't help but think what if it something more. at one time, me and you were best friends and now look at us. we are dating." he yells back. what? oh my god.
"i'm so sorry, i didn't know. but why didn't you just tell me it would make everything less-" he cuts me off by lightly kisses my lips. i kiss back just as passionately.
"i love you ok?"

ugh these hollywood hoes😴
word count- 1195 words :/

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