chapter 20👑

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"12-1. that's pathetic." coach yells at us in the locker room right after our huge lost to iceland. coach goes on and on and on about how bad we did but eventually i tune him out. goldberg begins to take off his pads, but coach stops him.
"oh no, don't take off those pads, we have practice." coach says making his way towards the door.
"tonight?" goldberg asks in shock.
"tonight." coach confirms as he walks out of the locker room. i sigh.
this is going to be one long night.


by the time i had gotten back to my dorm, every single bone in my body ached. i was so tired and in so much pain. coach was really mad for the lost tonight, for the first time ever he really scared me. i don't want to say this but he kind of reminded me of my dad when he was yelling. when i was younger, i always remembered my dad either yelling at me and charlie or yelling at my mom. it was a constant circle. he yells at mom, then me, then charlie, and then he would just leave the house. even since a young age that man has scared me in ways that i thought i could never be scared. and the saddest part is, he's my dad. your father isn't supposed to hurt you or leave you. your mom and dad are supposed to love and care for you and be willing to do anything for you. my dad picked everything over his family. and ever since then, i don't put anything over family.
my thoughts were interrupted by connie waving her hands in my face.
"uh earth to ella." connie says.
"uh what?"i ask breaking out do my trance.
"you were just sitting here still, not talking. are you ok?" luis asks sitting down next to me.
"oh yeah just thinking." i reply.
"about what?" luis asks going back over to his side of the room.
"my dad." i sigh.
connie gives me a sympathetic look. she gives me a quick side hug.
"let's get some sleep, we have school in the morning and we are all going to be exhausted." connie says laying down in her bed. i yawn and hop into mine.
"yeah. good night guys."


"luis? luis?" i hear miss mckay whisper.
"hm." luis says picking his head up from his desk where he was sleeping.
"sorry." he says with an innocent smile. i wasn't really paying attention since i had my head on my desk, trying to stay awake as long as possible.
"why are you guys so tired today?" miss mckay asks.
"coach ran us like animals last night at practice." averman says lifting his head from his desk, then immediately puts it back down.
"practice? right after the game?" miss mckay asks in shock.
"yeah punishment." i speak up not taking my head off of my desk.
"you know what, go back to the dorms and rest up. and no practice tonight, i'll talk to gordon." miss mckay says with a sigh. i smile and lazily get out of my seat. i walk over to adam and intertwined our fingers.
"can you come to my dorm? i wanna cuddle." i whine. he laughs and nods his head.
"anything for you." he says giving me a kiss on my forehead, as he wraps and arm around my waist. i giggle and lean up to kiss his cheek.
"you guys are too cute." ava says nudging me in the side. i giggle and i can feel my cheeks heating up.
"thanks honey." i reply blowing her a kiss.
she laughs and makes her way over towards charlie, i have notice lately that they have been talking more, maybe they like each other, who knows.
"hey, have you notice that charlie and ava have been talking more than usual lately?" i aka adam as we walk through the door that leads to the dorms.
"yeah, maybe they like each other." he replies as we walk through the door to my dorm.
"aw they would be sooo cute." i say as i flop down on my bed.
"who would be cute?" connie asks sitting down on her bed.
"charlie and ava." i say with a smile.
"i agree, such cuties." connie says. i giggle as adam lays down next to me. i wrap my arms around his torso and lay my head on his chest. he wraps his arms tightly around my waist. as we lay there in silence, adam whispers to me.
"i love you."
my heart stops, he said he loved me. i know that i truly love him so without hesitation i say
"i love you too." as i drift off into a happy sleep.

hey y'all:) sorry this is short but i wanted to updated!
word count- 814 words :(((

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