chapter 5👑

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Ella's POV**
i woke up the next morning to be both physically and mentally hurt. i look over at my alarm clock 6:03 ahh yay school *note the sarcasm*. i push myself out of bed and walk into the bathroom. i turn on the water and take off my clothes. as i stand in the shower, the hot water stings my forehead. my eyes still swollen but i can see out of it. my moms still mad at me , she thinks i chose for my father to show up. he left us and i haven't seen him since her left , i didn't even knew that we lived here. i was mad at myself. i kinda blame myself too for what happened, i blame myself for him leaving us. but when i do i never have an exact reason. when i'm finished in the shower i get into:

 when i'm finished in the shower i get into:

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i braid my hair into two french braids. i only really wear mascara but since i have a black eye i wear foundation and concealer and once im finished , i walk downstairs to eat . when i get downstairs, Adam, Connie, Guy, Averman, and Charlie are sitting in the living room. i walk over and hug each of them since i'm super close to all of them. i walk to the kitchen and make {insert favorite breakfast food}. once i'm finished we all walk to school. on the way i walk next to Connie and the boys walk in front of us. "Soooooo." connie says with a smirk. i look at her confused. "ADAM." she whisper yells so only we can hear. i playfully punch her in the stomach. "Connie." i whisper yell back. "So it it true." she yelled so even the boys can hear. i slap myself in the face. the boys turn around. "what's true."Averman said.
"uh oh nothing just keep walking." i say quickly as my face begins to heat up. they all laugh and turn around while i wish i could disappear. we finally get to school. and we all go our separate ways to our lockers. we all have the same classes together because of hockey. me and adam walk together because his locker is directly across from mine. i'm still pretty embarrassed of what Connie did, but we talk. "So what was Connie talking about earlier?" Adam asks coming up from behind me. "oh nothing." i say not making eye contact. "Are you sure it's nothing, because you can always talk to me." he says lifting up my chin and looks me in the eyes. i feel like i want to kiss him right now, right here. but i can't because he only thinks of me as a best friend. "yeah i'm sure." i give him a smile. he smiles back as i shut my locker and we begin to walk to our first period which is science. in this class i sit all the way in the back next to connie and it front of us is Charlie and Adam. we sit and talk. "when are you going to tell him your madly in the love with him?" Connie whispers. "I don't know i guess i'm afraid of rejection and plus he probably doesn't like me like that." i say slightly disappointed. "Don't think like that, you never know maybe he feels the same way and is scared to tell you." she says with a smile. i smile back just as the teacher walks into the class. we do a bunch of stupid work. we are assigned partners for a project on body parts. basically the people in front of you turn around and work with the people behind them, so for me i got lucky. Adam and Charlie turn their seats around and grab their notebooks. we have to make a poster thing and label each body part which is super stupid and super boring, and i don't really care but he three of them do so i try and act like i'm paying attention. the project was super long to do and we had to color in stuff and it looked ok i guess. the bell rang and we all went to second period which is Social Studies.
skip boring school•
At the end of the day me, Connie , and Julie all go to the bathroom. we don't really go to the bathroom, we all just stand around and talk about who did what or who kissed who. i was in the middle of telling the girls about what happened with my ex today when someone ran threw the door. i turn my attention away from the girls and look at he door to see... luis? "Luis what the hell are you doing in the girls bathroom." i say laughing. before i could notice what's happening he ran towards me at full speed and pushed me against the wall, locking our lips. At first i kiss back but something comes to mind , Adam. i pull away and look at him confused. he hands me a piece of paper." Read it , it explains everything." he says, and with that he turns and runs back out the doors. Connie and Julie run after him to see what the hell just happened. i pull out the note, it read:
Dear Ella,
I know that we are best friends , and we always will be , but i've developed feelings for you. Very strong feelings. I've felt this way for awhile now, but i've been to afraid to say anything to you. I have loved you since the first time i laid eyes on you, ever since I moved here. But i see the way you look at Adam, I can see how much you love him just from the look in your eye. you eyes sparkle and your smile goes from ear to ear. Even though you won't admit it, you love Adam, and he loves you, i can just tell. Even though i truly and honestly love you with all of my heart, you think of me as just your best friend and since i love you so much, i will learn to deal with it. You and Adam are meant to be, and i know that you guys will be together soon. I don't want anything to be awkward between us, but i had to say something , get it off my chest, because keeping it in would hurt more than watching you love him. I love you Ella Conway, don't forget that sis.
Love, Luis

My heart dropped down into my chest. No, this can't be happening, Me and Luis are supposed to be best friends, brother and sister, this isn't how it's supposed to be. Well i thought he same about me and Adam , but that for sure changed. I start crying , at first i don't know why, but then after time as i sit on the floor of the school bathroom at 2:45 on a Monday afternoon in Spring, i realized why i'm so upset. I don't like myself, i don't think i'm pretty or beautiful. i compare myself to other girls , i think of myself so poorly that it hurts. Luis writing this to me hurt, him kissing me hurt even more. I wasn't grossed out or anything like that, i was scared. Yes i love Adam and yes I love Luis, but both of my best friends "loving me" hurts like nothing else. I sit there crying for what seems like hours, the door opens to laughter. i wipe my eyes and stand up to see who's coming. Three girls walk in, ugh i know them. Stacey, Brianna, and Molly, also known as the biggest hoes at our school, walk in. They all look at me and start to laugh even harder than they were a few moments ago. i look over at the mirror , my mascaras running down my face and my black eye is not visible, also my cut. "The one and only Ella Conway, did ya get in Banks' pants yet?" Brianna asks,"Banks doesn't even love you, he loves me." Molly adds flipping back her long red hair. "But most of all, you better watch it Conway, because Luis is mine, and i know what you got Banks and him wrapped around your finger, you better quit the act , you hoe." Stacey adds as her group , including her, laughing like hyenas. I step foward and shove Stacey up against the wall. "Don't ever talk to me again." i yell in her face. She doesn't seem impressed, she flips me around so now i'm on the wall. "No , you don't ever speak to Luis again, OK." she yells the last part right in my face. the door swings open revealing Connie and Julie. "Let her go." Julie yells. Stacy drops me to the floor. I guess she's scared of Julie, but who isn't afraid of the cat. The three begin to walk out the door. "Yeh get outa here you dirty hoes." Connie yells making me giggle . They help me up. "Let's wash all of that makeup off your face." Julie says giving me a hug. They wash my face and we all walk out of the bathroom to look for the boys . We walk down a hallways and head towards the doors. All of the boys are sitting outside on a wall. We walk over. I see Luis and smile at him, he smiles back but it doesn't look like Luis' smile, he looks broken. I feel bad because he's my best friend he he's sad over me , OVER ME. I don't go over to Adam i just stay directly in between Connie and Julie. Me and Charlie are the last to get home , so as soon as i get home , i go straight up to my room. i do  my homework and listen to music. Once i was finished, i let all of my emotions out. I was crying and throwing things. i tried to stay as quite as i could but at the moment all i wanted to do was cry.

hey guys! sorry this took so long;( it only took so long bc it's super long lmao, but anyways this is what i was talking about , the love twist thing. ❤
word count- 1721 words

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