chaper 19👑

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of course my friends had to take me to the nearest hospital even though i told them i was fine a million times. turns out that i really wasn't fine and that i had a bruised rib and had to get stitches where the ass hole hit me over the head. as i sit here bored in the emergency room, adam stayed. the rest went home and told coach what happened. i sit with my head in my hands.
"ella conway." i hear a male voice call out. i immediately take my head out of my hands and look at him. i stand up and walk over to him.
"this is for the pain, take one in the morning and one before you go to sleep. see you guys later." he says with a smile as he walks away. i look down at the tiny bottle of pills and sigh. why did i have to get myself in this mess. i ignore the thought as me and adam make our way to the elevator. as the door shuts, adam pulls me by my waist and smashes his lips against mine. i was taken back at first but kiss back just as passionately. the ding of the elevator door is what pulled us apart. we awkwardly walk by the few people that were waiting for the elevator. adam slips his hand into mine. i look up at him , smiling. as we walk in the parking lot hand in hand, i notice coach's car. i see him standing by the side of the door, looking off into the distance.
"coach?" i ask. he turns his head to look at me.
"ella." he says with a smile. he walks over and pulls me into a hug. we pull apart and he looks into my blue eyes.
"my strong girl." he whispers to himself moving a piece of hair that escaped my two braids.
"come on, let's go back to the dorms." he says with a smile as we all get in his car. coach has always been like a father figure to me. he fills in the gap my dad left me with years ago. i am beyond thankful for me. i smile to myself realizing that i have a somewhat,

"ella." i hear connie yell as i walk through the door. the minute i step foot in, she wraps her arms around me.
"are you ok? oh my god stitches! do they hurt?" she begins asking millions of questions as she stands here with her arms wrapped around me.
"connie, 1. i'm fine, they don't hurt that bad. the fight was nothing major and 2. may i ask why you are up at 1:00 in the morning when we have a game to win tomorrow." i say as we pull apart. she smiles at me.
  "night adam." i say giving him a kiss on the cheek.
"oh ella conway, the strongest girl i know." connie  says  slinging an arm around my shoulders as i do the same to her. we walk back to the dorm, and tonight i have no trouble going to sleep. especially with the meds in my system.


"woohoo! we did it el." dywane says wrapping an arm around my shoulders. we had just beat italy , and now we are 2-0, which is great.
"yeah we did cowboy." i say with a smile as i give him a kiss on his cheek. he blushes and skates off to some of the boys celebrating.
"BASH SISTER!" was all i heard before i was engulfed in a huge hug from the one and only, the bash brothers.
"geez fulton, dean! you literally almost killed me." i say as i wrap my arms around them as we skate off and into the lockeroom. they laugh as we enter. i do my regular routine and get changed.

"come on ella." jessie calls back as me as we cross rodeo drive. i decided to go out with these goons since i would be bored back at the dorms anyway.
"hey y'all this don't look like no rodeo." dwayne says as we walk on the corner.
"no it's rodeo drive see it has an accent- you know what nevermind." averman try's to explain. i laugh at the two idiots.

"uncle aaron would be not pleased to find out that jess treated with such disrespect." goldberg talks into the door bell thing. i try to contain my giggles but it's sooo hard.
"aaron? aaron spelling?" a lady asks.
"no hank aaron. yes aaron spelling."

what's up dudes😴

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