Chapter 1: Pervy Purdy

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I stood in by my bed as I packed a suitcase. I had finally convinced Jinx to let me go on your with him, so I finally get to meet all the guys! I'm extremely excited to meet beanstalk, if you know what I mean. Suddenly, Jinx walked into my room and looked at my suitcase. He held up one of the shirts I had packed and threw it on my bed.

"No crop tops." he said digging threw my bag.

"fuck off. I'll wear what I want." I said smacking his hands and shoving my shirt back in. He rolled his eyes and looked at me.

"you don't want the guys being all over you." he said trying to stick his nosy little hands back in my bag. I quickly closed and zipped it before he could.

"only one guy to be specific." I said with a small smirk.

"No dating anyone in the band." he said seriously.

"ya ya whatever." I said as I peered out my window, and saw that there was a huge black bus where my street once was. I jumped up in excitement.

"fuck ya!" I yelled as I jumped out of my room, and out the front door. Jinx was right in my ass.

"stop walking so fucking slow." he said over dramatically.

"stop being a little bitch." I said opening the door to the bus and walking in.

"why do you always have to argue with me?" he said, slightly joking.

"why do you always have to say stupid shit?" I said with an innocent smile. Suddenly I felt someone come in front of me.

"jinx, stop arguing with the pretty lady." he said in a voice that made me immediately know who it was.

"why hello pervy, I mean Purdy." I said, laughing at my own joke.

"what's your name sweetheart?" he said leaning in to kiss my hand. I pulled it away and rolled by eyes.

"names Isabella Ferguson. Isabella or Izzy. Try to call me anything else, and your balls will be served to you on a silver platter, got it?"

"Feisty. I like it." he said, and then turned to Jinx "you never told me you had a sister dude. Besides, she doesn't even look like you. She's hot."

"thanks." jinx said sarcastically. Then, CC and Jake came up from the back of the bus.

"hey who's this?" CC said with a kind smile.

"my sister." Jinx said whilst busy on his phone.

"oh. Hi!" Jake said very nicely, and shook my hand. I smiled at him.

"nice to meet you. Hopefully you don't drink as much as your brother." CC said laughing.

"sorry to disappoint.... " I said with a smile. "hey, where's Andrew?" I said looking towards my bro.

"that's who I'm texting.." Jinx said putting his phone in his pocket. "we still need to go pick him up. we're almost there."

"hey, want to scare him?" CC said excitedly.


"pretend we're all asleep or something. And don't let him know you're jinxs sister at first OK?" he said towards me.

"hm. OK. Now everybody get into position!" I said laughing.

"here sugar, come sit on my lap." Ashley said patting his lap. I rolled my eyes, and sat on his lap with a giggle. This should be fun.

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