Chapter 8: First Dates and First Kisses

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Andy's pov: I jolt awake feeling someone hit my arm pretty hard, I look and see Jinxx who was smirking with his arms crossed "just a snuggle huh?" I look to see that I was now laying on my back with Izzy curled up on my chest looking very cute as she slept peacefully making little noises every so often, I look up at Jinxx who's smirk had gotten bigger at this point as I said "I swear nothing happened we fell asleep on our sides and at some point this happened!" he rolls his eyes although there's a smile on his face before he says "I'm willing to give you and Izzy a chance but hurt her and you will know about it" I nod and unwrap an arm from around Izzy so that I could fist pump him.

Our fists touch and we both pull away and Jinxx climbs into the bunk above us as it was a spare one saying "you guys stay in there or else Iz will wake up and all hell will break loose" I smile softly as she rolls off my chest landing with a soft thump on the mattress again before her arm snakes it's way around my torso, I snuggle into her side as my eyes close once again.

-the next morning-

I wake up feeling someone climbing over me carefully as if trying desperately not to wake me, I open my eyes to see that Izzy was jumping out of the bunk and going somewhere. She was soon back climbing back over me although she stops and lays on my chest causing my eyes to open and look at her smiling as my eyes look into her dark blue ones before her lips suddenly met mine!

I lay feeling shocked for a couple of seconds before I kiss back wrapping my arms around her gently, our lips moving in sync before we pulled away smiling at one another as Jinxx's voice is heard "about time!" as he walks into the front of the bus.

I smile and blush whilst Izzy looks away shyly muttering "that was nice" causing me to nod and kiss her cheek causing her to gasp as I say "how about we go on a date? We are at the venue now" I see her eyes widen slightly as she nods her head quickly before jumping out the bunk screaming "JINXX! COME HELP ME WITH AN OUTFIT ANDY ASKED ME OUT!" I saw Ash who was getting out of his bunk smile at her excitement before he disappears somewhere.

Izzy comes into view with Jinxx trailing behind her "woah slow down sis!" was all he says when he trips over something Cc had knocked out of his bunk overnight, she stops for a second and picks it up throwing it into Cc's bunk before they carry on into the large room at the back of the bus going quiet before a squeak of "I love it!" I heard and Jinxx walks out chuckling quietly.

Soon Izzy comes out of the room wearing a BVB top, black jeans and sneakers whilst I'm wearing a Batman t-shirt and blue jeans. I kiss her cheek softly before saying "ready to go?" she grabs my hand as she nods her head happily before we head out of the door.

We walk to a near by park and walk around hand in hand talking quietly every now and then, Izzy stops to take in how pretty the park looked as it was the middle of spring so all the leaves were turning light green as they grew once again. She had a soft smile on her lips before she looked at me and snuggled into my side, I check the time and notice that we only had half an hour to get back to the bus!

Izzy let go of my hand and leaned against a near by tree as she looked up at the light blue sky, I smile and stand beside her until she pulls on my top to my head is level with her own as she kisses me her lips fitting perfectly with my own as I move her against the tree and turn the sweet kiss passionate before pulling away.

Izzy's pov: I pull my head away from Andy's holding back a moan that threatens to escape as I grab his hand and pull him out of the park as now he was in his own little world from the kiss, we get back to the bus where Ashley, Jinxx and a very unhappy looking John were waiting for us. Ash slapped Andy's cheek hard which got him out of his love struck daze as he shot off the bus and into the venue in seconds.

Ash rolled his eyes and walked off the bus with John who was now chuckling quietly, Jinxx looked at me saying "I'm guessing you had a good first date" I nod as my eyes stare off into distance saying  "it was the best" dreamily he smiles happily as I fall on to the couch closing my eyes as he leaves the bus chucking at me.

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