Chapter 11: Explaining Things To Izzy My Only Love

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Andy's pov: I quickly follow Izzy into the bunk alley feeling incredibly confused but Jinxx pulls me back "you messed up big time Andy" was all he says causing me to look at my two brothers and say "what have I done?!" Ash pulls out his phone from who knows where and shows me the tweet where it looks like I'm flirting with my ex, my eyes widen as I chuck the phone back to him saying "I  don't like her like that anymore!" Ash wanders back into the bunk alley whilst Jinxx shakes his head muttering "you have 10 minutes to make shit right before I kill you" I look at him as he crosses his arms and starts to glare harshly.

I back into the bunk alley looking in my own, then Jinxx's and then her own but couldn't find her anywhere! I look in Ashley's bunk but only saw a curled up sleeping Ashley and it was the same with Jake and Cc's as well, there were only two places left to look which were the back room and the bathroom. I open the back room door and see that Izzy was on her knees packing her clothes that had been scattered all over the floor, she looks up at me but looks away saying "leave me alone" I walk in a little further till I'm sitting on the bed and say "listen to me sweetheart" I hear her growl and gulp at just how pissed she is at me.

She turns around and stands up slowly as she says "never call me that again!" I flinch at how loud she is as she glares and says "talk" I move back further on the bed so my back is against the head board before saying "what you saw was a complete misunderstanding! I didn't intend for you to see it as flirting you are the only girl for me!" her arms cross as she stands at the end of the bed "bullshit" is all she spits out at me.

I get off the bed so that I'm standing up to face her now as I say "Isabella I love you and only you!" at this she rolls her eyes and says "if you loved me you wouldn't flirt with other girls!" Her voice screamed at me as I say "I wasn't flirting!" she shakes her head before saying "I'm done" and walks over to her suitcase that was still laying on the floor as I say "no! I truly love you!" She growls and shouts "until you prove that I'm leaving!" she picks up her suitcase and storms off the bus ignoring everyone's yells for her to come back as I slide down the wall, what have I done?!

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