Chapter 7: Snuggles

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It took everyone 20 minutes to finish their meals before I felt Izzy shift in my lap and her head rested against my chest, I looked up at Jinxx whispering "what's she doing?" he leaned forward and a small smile grows on his face "she's asleep" I smile a little as she moves so that I'm holding her bridal style. I look up at Jinxx again to make sure that he wasn't getting angry before standing up slowly so that I didn't wake her.

Jinxx looks confused for a moment until I motion my head to the bunk alley saying "I'm putting her in a bunk" I watch as he looks at me with distrust for a moment before he nods and begins a conversation about guitars with Jake as I walk into the bunk alley shifting my arm slightly so that Izzy would be more comfortable, she makes a small noise before moving her head so it was resting on my shoulder and one of her hands holds on to my shirt tightly.

I hopped into the bunk Izzy shares with Jinxx and slowly slid her onto the mattress although her hand that was holding my shirt never moves as she stirs and mutters a small "Andy don't leave me" I lean out of the bunk and look towards where Jinxx was sitting, he smiled at me slightly before going back to his conversation with Jake so I wrapped my arms around the little cutie and watch as her eyes closed with sleep once more.

I hear foot steps coming into the alley which causes Izzy's hand to grip my shirt tightly once again as Jinxx peeks his head in "she holding you captive?" Was all he says with a small chuckle as I nod looking at the hand that had most of the top of my batman shirt in her fist as does Jinxx who says "yep your not moving any time soon bro" I smile softly and look down at the sleeping beauty beside me moving some of her hair out of her face.

Jinxx clears his throat and says "just because I'm letting you snuggle does not mean I'm letting you off the hook Biersack" I move the last part of her hair away before putting my hand back on my side once more saying "I know I know I just want to make her comfortable" he glares a little longer before walking back into the living area of the bus just as Izzy pulls me further into the bunk so her head was resting on my shoulder but her lips were on my cheek!

Izzy's pov: I could hear Andy and Jinxx talking to one another quietly, after a few minutes both voices became quiet and someone walked away which made me move further into the bunk and pulled who ever was holding me closer so that I could feel their warmth, I lay my head on their shoulder but I could feel my lips against their warm skin.

I pecked them thinking it was Jinxx but when I opened my eyes I was met with the shocked sky blue eyes that belonged to Andy! I blush and look away shyly muttering a soft "sorry Andy" he nods slowly as he lays his head on the pillow beneath us and his eyes look at me with a small shine in them as I lay my head down so that their is a small space between our noses as we both fall asleep holding one another in a warm embrace.

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