Chapter 16: Secret Revealed

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-three days later-
Andy's pov: Everyone were getting ready to go out on dates or going out for a quite walk on their own, that is everyone but Izzy and Jinxx! Jinxx was on a chair furthest away from the windows and Izzy was up in her old room with the curtains closed, I look at Jinxx confused as he walks across the room but stays in the dark areas and avoids the moon light part of the floor as he also goes up stairs where most if not all of the curtains had been closed hours before by Izzy once she saw the full moon was out.

I look towards Jake saying "what's going on with those two?" he shrugs as he sits on a stool at the breakfast bar saying "he's always been strange when its been a full moon" I nod because as long as I can remember he has always locked himself away if it has been a full moon even if we were on tour! He would do the show and put a big hoodie on before leaving the venue and going into his bunk until the next morning, does he have some sort of fear of it? I chuckle quietly to myself for even thinking that but what else could there be?!

Ashley's pov: I can't believe what Jinxx told me! I mean he was really drunk so he could have been making it up right? He had his head resting on his arm when he was out drinking with Cc and I a few nights ago so me being me I sat next to him and asked him what was wrong, I was expecting him to rant but this was different "A Ashley  c can you k keep a s secret?" Was all he says hiccuping at the start of each word causing me to nod and look at him curious as he says "I Izzy and I I a are w wolves" his words slurring but still understandable as I say "what do you mean?" he lets out a giggle and says "y you k know the thing that howls? They l look like dogs o only vicious!" I look at him with understanding and go with what he was saying because a drunk Jinxx says alot of weird shit

I run up to Izzy's room to find her curled up on her bed sleeping, I open her curtains being careful not to make any noise so that I don't wake her up as I want to see if what drunk Jinxx said is true! I hide around the corner where the door is as the moons light shines on Izzy. At first nothing seems to happen but after 5 minutes her body started to transform into something, her hair got longer till it was practically a blanket and her hands and feet disappeared and paws replaced them!

I watch in disbelief as the little black and green wolf on the bed opens its eyes and whimpers quietly before standing up and barking loudly, I pretend to walk in looking confused before setting my eyes on her at the same time as a black furred wolf runs in looking startled. Both of the little wolves look at me and then at each other as I whisper "s so i its true you a and Jinxx are wolves" I watch as Izzy's wolf growls at Jinxx as I reclose the curtains causing the two of them to turn back to normal "you told him?!" Was all Izzy yells as soon as she was back in human form, at this point Jinxx's eyes were wide with fear as he said "I I don't know! I can't remember!" Jinxx had backed him self into me now as I say "he was really drunk and I didn't believe him" Izzy rolls her eyes saying 'so you decided to experiment" her voice lacked her usual humor as I nod slowly with a look of regret.

Andy's pov: I heard a bark come from up stairs which is strange because all four of the dogs are down stairs! I watch as Jinxx's eyes widen as he runs from the kitchen as he had come back down for a drink or some shit and back upstairs once again when we hear Izzy and Jinxx yell at one another back and forth about something which caused me to become curious as to what those two had been hiding from us.

I run upstairs taking two at a time and headed straight for Izzy's old room as that was where I could hear Ashley talking quietly, I opened the door being careful not to make it squeak as I see two dog like creatures on the bed! I look at them as one had black and green fur and one had black which were the hair colors that Jinxx and Izzy had, I step forward so that the three of them could see me "what is going on here?! Why are Jinxx and Izzy dogs?!" was all I say trying my best to keep my anger and sadness at bay for the moment.

Izzy whines loudly whilst Ash scoffs saying "Andy they aren't dogs they are wolves" I look at him in shock as to how he was being so calm about the fact that the guy we think of as a brother and band mate is a fucking wolf! I look between Ash and the two wolves that were sitting on the bed watching me, Izzy whimpers as she jumps on to the floor and walks towards me. I keep still not knowing what she was going to do until I felt her bump her head against my leg and rub it there for a couple of seconds as she sat in front of me silently.

I crouch down and pet her head gently "why didn't you tell me sweetheart?" was all I whisper to her, she whines causing Jinxx who had become human again to say "she didn't want to scare you" I smile down at her and kiss her little nose saying "I wish you would have told me because you are so cute baby" I hear a little yip noise come from her as she wags her tail wildly before going back on the bed and laying beside a still human Jinxx for a while.

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