Chapter 19: Shocking News

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Izzys pov: Andy and I decided to spend the night in a hotel as the band had two days off, we got our room key and practically ran up the stairs as I had made Andy turned on whilst dancing to rebel love song during the show. Once we were in our room Andy pinned me against the wall kissing me deeply, my hands found their way to his hair that was slightly messy before I jumped and wrapped my legs around his waist which caused him to moan against my lips.

He carries me to the double bed and throws me on to it, his eyes were filled with lust as his lips attacked my neck with kisses and biting most likely leaving hickeys although I didn't mind. The more I moan the bigger the tent in Andy's pants becomes causing me to pull Andy's jeans and boxers down before I begin to jack him off, my hand moving fast as I stroke his length listening to Andy moan loudly above me.

I stop when I know he's close to cumming and take his length into my mouth and start to bob slowly at first but get faster and take his entire length into my mouth till he's at the back of my throat causing him to moan. I let my tongue lick the sensitive parts of his dick as I come back up so only his tip is in my mouth as I lick and suck as fast as I can before his cum shoots down my throat, Andy is left moaning and shaking from how hard he had just cum before pinning me to the bed muttering "that was hot baby" I blush a little as he moves so that he can take my panties off because I had been wearing a skirt today.

I watch as his jeans and boxers fly off and on to the floor before feeling him enter me, I moan quietly as he moves slowly knowing that he's teasing me before he starts to get faster kissing my neck as he thrusts into me causing me to moan louder than before. "F faster!" Was all I managed to moan causing Andy to grunt as he slams down against my special spot causing me to scream out in pleasure, Andy gets faster and harder as he hits the place over and over again.I could feel my self getting closer and closer to my climax with every passing second and I could feel Andy's thrusts becoming sloppy as we moan and cum heavily at the same time, Andy helps me ride out my orgasm as he slows down and pulls out laying beside me and pulling me into his side kissing my cheek "that was amazing baby" was all he whispers in my ear causing me to shiver a little as we fall asleep together.

-one week later-

I wake up feeling as if I'm about to hurl, I sit up and run to the bathroom and throw up into the toilet heavily before laying my head against the wall beside the toilet. I have been like this for a week now I can't keep food down and the only thing I can drink is water! Jinxx walks in saying "still not well?" I shake my head silently before throwing up again causing Jinxx to groan and look away as Andy walks in now "I made some chicken soup for you Izzy" I give him a thumbs up before retching again but nothing comes out so I make grabby hands towards the two guys.

Jinxx picks me up as he is closer, he cradles me to his chest before walking to my room and laying me on the bed covering me up like he has been doing all week. He kisses my cheek before leaving the room as Andy passes me the bowl that looked really nice as I begin to eat slowly smiling at the taste as it warms me up a little, I am only able to eat half of it before I become sleepy and curl up with a random teddy that Ash found laying around. Andy kisses my cheek softly before my world turns to black.

Andy's pov: I stand up from Izzy's bed trying to figure out how she became so ill, she hadn't eaten anything bad and she has been like this since the night in the hotel! I felt my eyes widen as I realise that I didn't use protection... I pull at my hair trying not to disturb Izzy as she slept in the bed across the room. I curse at my self quietly just as Izzy opens her eyes muttering "Andy baby what's wrong?" I close my eyes saying "I think I might know how you got so sick" she moves so that she's slightly sitting up before saying "please tell me" her voice full of desperation because she hates being ill "I forgot to use protection" her eyes widen as she mutters shit quietly.

I hear the door open and a very angry looking Jinxx pokes his head in "Andrew out here now!" I cringe at how angry his voice sounds as I cast Izzy a 'help me' look as I leave the room "dude you have been dating her for 3 months and already have her pregnant?!" Was all he whisper yells at me "I wasn't thinking about it at the time! It didn't even cross my mind the next morning!" Was all I yell back, he groans and shakes his head watching as Amber walks into the room with a pregnancy test.

Amber's pov: Izzy look up at me and then at the test in my hand muttering "we have only been dating 3 months!" As she gets out of bed taking the test out of my hand and going into the bathroom, she comes back out and places it on the nightstand before jumping into bed and turning away from it, after 5 minutes her phone timer beeps telling us that we could look.

Izzy remains looking at the wall as Andy and Jinxx walk in whilst I pick the test up looking at it and sighing quietly "Izzy look at me" I hear her mutter something under he breath before she turns over looking at me then at Andy then the test as I open my mouth to speak...

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