Chapter 10: Sneaking Out To Be With Andy

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-the next morning-

Izzy's pov: Andy had left the bus early to go and find some place to eat, I was in a bunk on my own so I didn't really get that much sleep I heard my phone vibrate quietly beside me and it was a text from Andy! It said "there's a little coffee shop across the street meet me there and be quiet as you leave" I smirk knowing that for the first time ever I'm going against Jinxx's wishes, I jump out of my bunk landing on a pillow that Andy must have placed there during in this plan of his I tiptoe out of the bunk alley being careful with the squeaky door before running out of the bus.

I closed the door being quiet as possible and sending a 'shh' motion to the driver who had just woken up, he smiled and went back to what ever he was going to do before I appeared. I ran across the road and into the dinky little coffee place that had a cute little bell that rang when the door opened! Andy's head shot up from where he was sitting in a dark corner as I walk over to him and kiss his lips passionately before pulling away and pulling him in for a much needed hug.

We sat down together holding hands and smiling as I ate my bagel and Andy drank his hot chocolate, once we were done Andy leaned over and kissed my lips softly over and over again until he says "baby we have been in here for 2 hours and now the guys will be awake" I go to check my phone only to find that it wasn't in my pocket! I curse quietly as Andy's phone blows up with texts from everyone although Jinxx's say "where are you?" "Have you seen Izzy?" "Biersack I'm going to murder you when you get back and Izzy is in so much trouble for this" I groan and lay my head against the seat.

Izzy's pov: I see the tour bus door open making me feel really nervous as I see a very pissed off Jinxx head our way causing Andy to freak out and me to sit ridgit as he comes over to us growling out "Isabella Darcy Ferguson get back to that bus right now before I call mom and dad and send you home!" I give him a look of shock which he returns with an unreadable expression as he crosses his arms and raises an eye brow.

Andy's eyes were already wide with fear and he hadn't even been spoken to yet! I could feel Jinxx's anger rising the more I looked at Andy but before either of us could react he picked me up causing me to hit my fists against his back saying "Jeremy Miles Ferguson put me down right now!" I heard him scoff as he walks away leaving Andy who still looked shocked and scared behind

We were soon back in the bus and I was set down on the couch roughly by a very annoyed Jinxx "I told you that you and him are over!" was all he yelled at me "well I can date who ever I want!" Was all I yelled back only to hear a groan from the bunk alley, Ash wandered out half awake and said "he's not good for you Isa" I growled out and went onto my phone to see that Andy was flirting with some one on twitter!

I look up at Jinxx with sad eyes as he says "told ya" I scream in frustration and punch the couch just as Andy walks in saying "hey baby, Jinxx and Ash" I growl and leave the room ignoring Andy as he follows behind me sounding confused.

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