Chapter 17: Andy's Romantical Date

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-later that day-

Andy's pov: Izzy was back to her human self again and I was excited for what I had planned for the two of us, I didn't want to go anywhere fancy for a date so I made the downstairs area of the house look as romantic as possible and everyone other than Ashley and Jinxx have left the house to go on dates or what ever the hell they said they were doing. I go upstairs taking two at a time before heading to the room that Izzy and Jinxx were still in, I smile as Jinxx walks past me as his little black furred wolf as I say "Izzy do you wanna have a date with me?" I see her eyes light up as she shoots off the bed and into my arms saying "I would love that" I peck her lips before pulling her out of the room.

We go down stairs but I tell her to close her pretty blue eyes causing a look of confusion before a giggle as she grabs my hand so that I can lead her to the middle of the room "open them babe" she opens her eyes and looks around looking very shocked as she says "Andy you did all of this for me?!" I smile and kiss her cheek whispering "only the best for my baby girl" I see her blush and look at the floor smiling shyly as she sits at the table.

She looks at all the food that I had made and smiles even more than before, I take a seat beside her and she grabs my hand subconsciously whilst putting different types of food on a plate. I smile as her thumb runs across my knuckles and lays to rest across the top of my fingers, I look towards the tv in the other room getting an idea both of us like batman so why don't we watch it together! I keep quiet as we eat but once most of the food I had made was gone I spoke up "babe do you wanna watch batman with me?" I see a smile come on her lips as she had a drink "I would love that Andy" was all she says as she stands up.

I look at the food that was left on the table but figured that Cc and Jake would finish it off well that's if Jinxx didn't get there first! I let Izzy drag me into the living room as we sat down and put batman on instantly, we curled into one another in comfortable silence as we watched the movie. Ash wandered in half way through eating a few bits of the food left on the table as I pulled a sleepy Izzy onto my lap.

Once everyone else got back batman was nearly ending and Izzy was curled up sleeping in my lap, I held her bridal style as I stand up and turn the movie off causing everyone to look at me shocked because there was 10 minutes left of the movie but smiled as I carried Izzy up stairs so that I could cuddle with her for the rest of the night.

-the next morning-

Izzy's pov: I wake up and look around did Andy propose to me last night or was that just a dream? I look down at my hand and didn't see a ring so I must have dreamed it, I shrug and snuggle back into Andy's side waiting for him to wake up. Our date yesterday was amazing I can't believe how well he decorated down stairs, it looked exactly like a restaurant!

I wrap my arm around his waist which causes his to stir with a little noise before his eyes opened to look down at me, he smiles a little as he peeks my cheek saying "good morning baby" in his gruff morning voice I smile and whisper good morning back before saying "thank you for our date last night Andy I loved it" I watch as a sleepy smile appears on his face before he says "only the best for you babe" he wraps his arms around me as I get pulled so that I'm curled up on his chest. I guess we are spending today snuggling!

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