Chapter 15: Morning After

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Izzy's pov: I wake up curled into a still sleeping Andy's side feeling weird as I was only wearing panties instead of my usual pj's, I rub my eyes and all the memories from last night come flooding back instantly. Andy and I had sex last night! I sit up groaning as my lower body screamed in protest causing Andy to sleepily mutter "baby where are you going?" I looked down at him to see that his eyes were now open slightly as I say "I need pain meds" I watch as his face contorts with confusion before his memories come flooding to him as he says "shit did I hurt you?" I shake my head before getting out of bed and walking out of the room and down the stairs to our kitchen to get advil from the medicine cabinet.

I take it dry and walk back up stairs still feeling discomfort as I lay down on the bed covering my face with my hands saying "I think you moved to fast baby" I hear Andy suck in a breath as he looks down at me with a look of sadness in his eyes saying "I'm sorry babe what can I do?" I shrug silently not really sure about what he could do for this.

Andy's pov: I couldn't help but feel bad about causing my baby girls pain, I got carried away last night I should have gone at a slower pace! I kiss her cheek gently as she tries and fails to turn over and get comfortable muttering "if I knew it would be this uncomfortable I wouldn't have done it" as her head falls against my ribs, I wrap my arm around her massaging her stomach causing her to yelp softly. I stop for a second as she says "do that more it helps!" I move my fingers around her stomach gently as she whispered "that's it we aren't moving all day you do this" I let out a soft chuckle as I move to a different part of her stomach causing her eyes to flutter closed with a soft smile on her face.

Soon she is sound asleep beside me but I continue to massage her stomach so that she doesn't get uncomfortable whilst asleep, I hear a soft sigh come from her pretty lips as she turns so that she's on her side with her head resting on my chest with a small smile on her face as she snuggles down and wraps an arm around me.

Jinxx's pov: I hear Izzy making her way down the stairs slower than normal, she has pj's on but she was walking kinda strangely, Andy walked behind her saying "you want another massage?" she shakes her head and continues walking to where I am sat eating "you ok Isa?" Was all I say as she puts her head on the table saying "do you know what Andy and I did last night Jinxxy?" I try and think back and heard my tired voice say 'use protection' before passing out on a near by couch which could only mean one thing.... My little sister had sex with my best friend! I groan and say "oh my god you didn't" Izzy nodded as she goes into the kitchen and has an advil.

I get up and go to where Andy was sitting in the living room watching batman with Cc and whisper "you better have used protection" he nods his head quickly saying "I did I picked it up and threw it away earlier!" I nod with a growl saying "your on your last chance Biersack, don't fuck it up" I see fear fill his eyes as he nods slowly causing me to smirk and move back to where I was originally sitting as Izzy joined me groaning in pain muttering "remind me not to do this again Jinxxy" I could tell she was in some sorta pain or not feeling to good as she was using the Jinxxy nickname, I kiss her cheek saying "don't do it to rough next time sweetie" I watch her eyes travel to me as they roll although she has a very small smirk on her face.

Izzy's pov: I'm glad that Jinxxy didn't freak out at what I told him, I keep my head on the dining room table as it was keeping the discomfort at bay probably because I was slouching instead of sitting up normally. Jinxx moved me so that I was somewhat sitting on his lap as I curled into his lap resting my head on his chest so that he could rest his chin on my hair gently. This caused Jake to aw quietly as he walked back in from the garden with Trixy and Ernie, I smile and close my eyes as I relax in my brothers hug trying desperately not to fall asleep although after 10 minutes my eyes fail to stay open and my world turns black.

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