Chapter 12 Four Years Later

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4 years later

Darcy's pov: I changed my name so that no one recognised me as Jinxx's little sister after I ran away from them I'm no longer Isabella I am Darcy Halestorm! I now have long black emo hair but my eyes are still the same as they used to be, I walk into the room where lots of black veil brides fans were and joined the line for the meet and greet!

I know you must be thinking that I'm insane for going to see my brother's band after such a long time of not being in contact with them but I missed them! I walked up to the table smiling shyly at Cc who said "hello whats your name?" I giggle at his weirdness and say "Is I mean Darcy!" I catch my self at the very last second as he says "nice to meet you Darcy" I smile happily before moving on to Jake who signs my poster and passes it to Jinxx who looks almost dead!

I gasp softly and say "Jer are you ok?" So that only he can hear me, he looks up from the poster and mouths Izzy your ok!' I nod as his eyes seem to light back up and he suddenly starts talking way more happier than he was a mere 5 minutes ago! All the guys look at him with smiles on their faces as I move on to Ashley who smiles and signs my poster glancing up for a second and doing a double take smiling as he also figures out who I was before going back to his stoic look from 5 seconds ago. He passes the poster down to Andy who signs it and practically throws it at me saying "nice meeting you Darcy" I roll my eyes and walk away muttering "at least the most important people know its me" I hear foot steps behind me before Jinxx's quiet voice says "Darcy wait!" I smirk because he wants to leave Andy in the dark about who I am as he pulls me into a hug muttering that he was glad that I was ok.

I smile and snuggle into my brothers chest as he says "are you ready to come back?" I shrug and say "what's the point? Andy's probably got a girlfriend by now" Jinxx shakes his head saying "that's the first time we have heard him speak since you left! Sure he sings whilst on tour but once we finish a concert or go back home he locks himself away drinking till he blacks out!" I look back into the room to see Andy had found a random beer bottle and was chugging it down! I look back to Jinxx and smile saying "I wanna come back bro I realised that I over reacted but was to scared to come back" he chuckles softly and pulls me back into the room making the others  look at us in confusion.

Andy says "why'd you bring Darcy back for?" I roll my eyes as Jinxx says "because its Izzy" I see his eyes widen as he drops the beer bottle and runs to us "Izzy! I missed you so much!" I pull him in to a hug which must have caught everyone off guard because Andy tensed and everyone else gasped.

Andy's pov: my baby girl is back! I held her close as I mumble "I wrote some songs for you" she smiles and says "which ones?" I feel a smile make its way on to my face she's been listening to our music since she left! I open my mouth and say "die for you and done for you" she smiles softly and peeks my cheek saying "I promise not to leave you ever again Andy" softly in my ear causing me to kiss her lips passionately whilst the guys celebrate that Izzy is back loudly in the background.

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