Chapter 18: Andy's Promise For The Future

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-3 months later-

Andy's pov: I walk through the tour bus searching for Jinxx as I need him to go somewhere with me, after a couple of minutes I find him in his bunk editing something he had been doing since the start of tour. He notices I'm standing here and pulls his head phones off saying "what's up Andy?" I shuffle my foot slightly before saying "will you come to a jewellery store with me?" his face scruntches up in confusion saying "why?" I smirk and say "I can't tell you now as there are to many big mouths that could ruin my plan" he nods before jumping out the bunk and disappears to put his shoes on.

Our bus was already parked at the venue and the back up car parked just behind it as I jumped in and drove to where I spotted a jewellery place "care to tell me what this plan is now?" was all Jinxx says with a curious tone in his voice "I'm getting Izzy a promise ring and gonna give it to her during a concert" out of the corner of my eye I see Jinxx smile before saying "then why do you need me?" His voice full of confusion once again as I say "you know what your sister likes better than me" I hear a gentle ohh come from his mouth as I parked up.

We jumped out of the car and ran in without another word, I start at one side of the store and Jinxx the other. I see lots of rings but none of them seem perfect enough for Izzy! I hear Jinxx's voice shout "found it! Andy get over here!" From half way across the store that was surprisingly quiet, I walk to him and see that he's holding a very sparkly ring which I agree with Jinxx it was perfect!

It was $1,000 but even at that price it was worth it for my baby girl! I pay for it and leave the store although I had to drag Jinxx out as he was thinking about proposing to his girl, I drove back to the bus and yell "band meeting!" whilst walking in to the bunk alley I saw Izzy jump out of my bunk and go to the very front of the bus causing me to smile as Jake, Cc and Ash wander in

They sit on different bunks waiting for me to talk "I have a plan boys" was all I say to get them interested Cc looks at me then at a smirking Jinxx whilst Ash groans "what is it this time Andy?" I roll my eyes at his remark before saying "so we do fallen angels as normal but when we finish it I invite Izzy out on stage and give her this" I pull the promise ring out of my back pocket to show them "ohhh that's nice" was all Jake says causing Ash and Cc to nod "wait why isn't Jinxx going mental?" was all Cc says "I already knew doofus" was all Jinxx says with a chuckle.

-4 hours later-

We had two more songs of this show left, I sang fallen angels perfectly and listened as the crowd sang it back in perfect harmony causing all of us to smile this had been the best show of the tour so far! I waited until Jake and Jinxx finished their final parts of the guitar before speaking "how you guys doing?!" I got back a ton of screams causing me to smile before saying "before this final song I wanted to do something! You guys know my girlfriend Izzy right?" Yet more screams were heard to answer my question "well I wanna bring her out here!" They all seem to scream in happiness at this whilst Izzy slowly made her way from side stage to me.

I wrap my arm around her and hold her against my side as I say "I want to make a promise to her, a promise that I will always be there no matter what and that I will always be her batman buddy" this caused everyone to chuckle before I continue talking "and to do that I wanted to give her this!" I pull out the promise ring causing a gasp from the perfect girl beside me as we turn to one another so that I was able to put it on her finger "this is my promise that I will always be there for you no matter what baby" was all I whisper into her ear before being pulled into a passionate kiss.

We look back out to the crowd once again as I yell "who wants to hear Izzy sing with me?!" most of the crowd screams yes making me smile although her smile falters slightly as rebel love song starts up "I'm dedicating this song for Izzy!" Was all I yell just as Izzy sneaks back side stage.

I sing the song whilst looking at her, I walk over as I sing "take your hand in mine It's ours tonight" I hold her hand and pull her back onto the stage where she dances with me and kisses my cheek as I sing the final part "hearts will sacrifice It's do or die This is a rebel love song" once I finish singing I kiss her lips before we say bye to the crowd.

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