Chapter 14: First Time

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Warning this is a smut chapter so if you don't like reading this kind of stuff wait for the next chapter . Thank you.
Andy's pov: We were finally home after such a long and grueling tour! Izzy ran inside yelling something about getting food, Ash and Jinxx walked in looking very sleepy, Cc ran to the fridge and got a monster so he was bouncing off the fucking walls again whilst Jake ran up the stairs to see his dogs, which left Izzy and I alone as I walked up behind her and kissed her neck which caused her to jump and moan a little at the same time.

I winked at her as she turned to face me "go upstairs to my room strip and lay on my bed" was all I whisper into her ear, I see her smirk as she rushes past Jinxx who looks at me then at her and realises what's about to happen and mutters "wear protection" before falling onto the couch and crashing instantly, I nod my head although he can't see me as I walk up stairs and see the most beautiful sight.

Izzy was layed flat on her back but her legs were spread so I could see her crotch, I smirk as I sit on the bed kissing her lips gently before pulling away saying "gorgeous baby girl" I see her smile shyly before I kiss her neck roughly causing her to moan as she moves her head and gives me more of her neck to kiss and bite. I leave hickeys as I move further down her body as shivers run down her spine every now and again.

I watch as she gets more and more flustered until her hand moves down to her pretty pussy and starts to pleasure herself, probably forgetting that I was right beside her until I pull her hand away and replace it with my own as I begin to tease her. My fingers rub in circular motions before they slip inside of her which causes a moan to erupt from her mouth as I get faster and harder until she screams my name loudly which is when I know I hit her special place deep inside of her. I smirk and go faster making sure to hit it over and over again as she moans and bucks her hips as she cums screaming my name.

She looks at me panting before saying "A Andy g go s slow y your m my f first" I feel my eyes go wide before I kiss her again saying "of course baby girl" I take my jeans and boxers off and get some protection from my bedside table as I climb on the bed looking at her as I say "you sure your ready baby?" She nods silently as I lower myself slowly, she gasps softly as her nails dig into my back. I kiss her lips gently stopping where I was so she could get used to my length as she whimpered quietly before saying "m move" her eyes open so that we could make eye contact during this, I move slowly watching as the pain in her eyes slowly faded and lust took over instantly causing me to get faster and faster with each passing second as her moans get louder and louder until she was screaming my name.

I felt her back arch as she screamed my name, I smirk knowing I hit her special place again and slammed down harder than before as she moaned "f faster Andy! R right there!" I moaned back in response as I felt a familiar tightening sensation in the pit of my stomach as I scream and cum heavily although Izzy is no where near finished! I pant and go faster than before hitting her special place over and over again as she screams with pleasure and slams her hips against mine as she cums heavily arching her back screaming and panting. I pull out and throw the condom away and put one of my Batman shirts on her along with some of her panties and I get my boxers back on cuddling her until we both fall asleep.

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