Chapter 5: Disagreement

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Jinxx's pov: I watch ash leave the bunk alley whilst I snuggle with my baby sister who was smiling as she slowly falls asleep, I slowly get out of her bunk being careful not to wake her. She stirs a little but turns over and curls into a ball sighing as she hugs the blanket covering her.

I creep over to the bunk alley entrance that had been closed for awhile now and hear "Ashley can I talk to you?" It was Andy's voice although he seemed a little nervous, I heard Ash walk away from the other side of the door saying "what's up bro?" everything goes silent for several seconds before Andy's voice is heard "I'm falling in love with someone" I tensed a little as Ashley asks who.

I send a silent prayer to the heavens hoping with every fiber of me that its not my little sister "she is a green haired blue eyed beauty" I curse silently as I slam the door open catching the two of them by surprise as I pin andy against the wall "you will not think about my little sister that way got it Biersack?!" I watch his eyes widen with fear as I growl at him but get pulled off of him by Jake.

We hear a small groan before a small "Jinxx?" was heard, I let out one final growl as Jake unwraps his arms from around my chest and sits back down messing with his guitar once more, Izzy comes out of the bunk alley rubbing her eyes as she walks to me wrapping her arms around my stomach as she rests her head against the top of my chest "what's going on?" I noticed that Ashley's face was still white and Andy still had a scared look on his face as I say "nothing sweetheart just a disagreement" Andy nods when she looks over at him before looking up at me with sleepy eyes once more "come back with me" was all she whines as she drags me back into the bunk alley

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