Chapter 13: Jinxx's New Gf and Izzy's Back With Andy

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Jinxx's pov


Jake and I leave the house once we had finished recording guitar parts in my studio, we walk around until we see a cool looking bar that we have heard Ashley mention a couple of times before and go inside. Jake orders drinks before getting hooked up with a blonde chick and leaves me on my own, I see a girl with green eyes and brown hair stop beside me looking towards the chick that jake had left me for and sighed "we both get ditched?" was all she say causing me to chuckle and nod as I down my drink quickly asking for another.

I look at her and she looks back a small smile on her face as she says "what's your name good looking stranger?" I blush and look at the floor shyly as I say "Jinxx what about you?" I see a flash of recognition in her eyes as she says "I'm Amber" I smile and offer her another drink.

-flashback ends-
I wrap an arm around Amber as we walk into the BVB house where Izzy and Ashley are the first to greet us trying to settle an argument "who's this?" was all my sister says as she looks Amber up and down whilst Ash just looks at her with lust in his eyes causing me to say "this is Amber my girlfriend of 3 weeks" Ash nods and smiles saying "I'm Ashley" whilst Izzy rolls her eyes and goes upstairs causing me to  give aAsh a confused look whilst he shrugs and goes to watch iron man with Cc!

I look at Amber who was watching the tv with excitement making me chuckle and say "baby you wanna watch the movie with Ash and Cc?" I see her eyes move to me with excitement as she runs into the living room hops over the couch and sits in the middle of the two of them although neither of them seem to realise as they are to engrossed in the movie to give a shit!

Izzy's pov: Why didn't Jinxx tell any of us that he has a girlfriend until now?! I storm past Jake who was vlogging again and into my room where l found Andy, he smiles at me until he notices I'm pissed off and says "what's wrong?" I glare at him causing him to move back further on my bed as I say "I met Jinxx's girlfriend for the first time" I see his eyes widen before he says "Jinxx has a girl?! Since when?" I shrug and say "3 weeks ago but he's just telling us now" I hear him ahh quietly before moving to walk in front of me saying "Izzy talking of girlfriends will you be mine again?" I smirk and mutter "you smooth little shit" I hear him chuckle quietly before I say "of course I will!" As I kiss his lips gently before pulling away and laying on the bed holding him in an embrace.

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