Chapter 3: Protection Of Izzy

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Jinxx's pov

I found Izzy drawing in Andy's bunk, I told her not to go anywhere near him but nope she decides to rebel against my wishes, I look at Andy then motion to the other room causing him to nod and leave the bunk alley. I sit in my bunk that is across from the one my little sister is sat in, I know by how fast she is sketching that she is pissed at me so I have to word my next sentence very carefully.
I sigh quietly and say "Izzy" I wait for her to respond but she doesn't "Izzy" i say a little louder, her eyes twitch to look at me slightly but still she doesn't respond, I growl quietly and say "Isabella Ferguson" her head whips up and her eyes turn to slits as she hissed out "what do you want Jeremy" my eyes widen at just how angry she is at me before I move further back into my bunk.

I open my mouth and say "I want you to stay away from Andy" her eyes turn from angry to sad as she says "why dont you trust me Jinxxy?" I cast a small smile towards her before saying "I do trust you but Andy well -sighs- hes unpredictable" her eyes meet mine and she hops out of the bunk and chambers into mine before curling up beside me.

Ashley's pov

I see Andy coming out of the bunk alley with red cheeks and a small grin on his usually neutral expressioned face, this could only mean one thing and that is he likes Jinxx's little sister! I hop up from my place on the couch and Cc claims it instantly as I make my way into the alley of coffin like bunks. I look in Andy's bunk first only to see a note pad and pencil then look into Jinxx's where I find the brother and sister talking quietly about something.

Their voices were all but hushed whispers before Jinxx looked up at me and both we silent instantly "oh hey ash" was all Izzy said, I smiled and jumped into Andy's small bunk so that I could talk to both of them. Jinxx seemed a little confused as I opened my mouth to speak "Izzy I wanted to make sure that you were ok as Andy had a cheeky smile on his face" Jinxx looked down at his sister who was smiling softly at me "nothing happened he said hi I said hi, he said his name I said mine" I nod silently happy that Andy hadn't tried anything yet.

Jinxx continued to look at me although not as confused as before as I said "you have to be careful around him sweetie he thinks hes in love with someone and then breaks their heart after a few months" a look of shock spreads across her face as Jinxx nods silently before giving me a smile that reads thank you as I jump down and head back into the living area of the bus.

I now see that Cc was layed out across the entire couch probably sleeping knowing him, out of the corner of my eye I see Andy stand up and come towards me and says "Ash can I talk to you?" I smile and nod saying "sure what's up bro?" I watch his eyes shift for a moment before I hear the words "I'm falling for someone" I look at him in shock as I say "wow who is the lucky lady?" I begin to chant in my head 'please dont be Izzy please dont be Izzy" over and over again until he speaks again "she is a green haired blue eyed beauty" I silently curse it was Izzy that he was falling for!

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