Chapter 6: Feelings Confessed

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Izzy's pov: I dragged jinxx back to his bunk and hopped in moving close to the wall so that he could hop in as well, he seemed a little stressed but hopped in once he took his boots off and we both layed looking at the roof of the bunk that had small green lights scattered around. I wiggled so that i was under the cover and drapped it over my brother who looked like he was day dreaming.

I had a confession to make but I was super scared to tell jinxx, I let my eyes close and say "Jinxx can I tell you something?" I try to keep my voice from sounding apprehensive as he says "of course Isa thats what I'm here for" I smile and turn my head to look at him, although his head was still looking at the roof I could tell that he was worried as to what I was about to say.

I sigh and turn so that I'm on my side, Jinxx follows my movements so that we are facing each other our noses touching ever so slightly as I say "Jer you probably won't like what I'm about to say" his eyes show worry as he said "you dont like it here? The guys are to loud? You wanna go home?" I chuckle quietly and say "no no nothing like that Jinxxy poo!" he sighs in relief with a small smile at my childhood nickname before saying "so what's wrong then Bella?" I groan at that nickname and say "I think I'm falling for someone" I hear Jinxx's breathing hitch for a second and his eyes close with a smalk groan.

He mutters out "is it one of the guys?" I slowly nod and say "yes but not Ashley!" a small smile makes its way on to his face "that makes me feel a little better" was all he says as his eyes open to look at mine once again, I smile shyly as I say "he has blue eyes" Jinxx's eyes loose their sparkle and his expression becomes unreadable as he says "you are not dating Andy I forbid it" I shove him gently saying "why not?! I'm old enough to pick my boyfriends!" Jinxx growls "he is not good for you Isabella!" I turn away and mutter "leave me alone" he groans saying "Izzy don't be like that!"

I ignore him and he seems to get the message as he leaves the bunk but not without saying "he's no good for you kiddo I don't want to see you get hurt" I roll my eyes as he walks away.

Jinxx's pov: I walk away muttering obscenities into the air as I leave the bunk alley flopping on the couch beside Jake almost breaking the neck of his guitar but I didnt give a damn at the moment, Jake switched the guitar so that it was resting on the couch's arm as he played one of our songs slowly and soon realised he was making a video so stuck my tongue out smiling slightly before moving further into the bus.

I glare at Andy who walks towards the stove saying "I havn't done anything" I smirk at him which usually means that I have something up my sleeve for that person as I say "watch your back Biersack" before walking away and sitting beside Ash who looks worried as he says "Jeremy seriously whats wrong? You nearly broke Jake's guitar and now your threating Andy whats got into you?!" I growl at the sound of my real name as I say "if you must know my little sister is in love with Andy!" I watch his eyes widen as he shakes his head and lays back saying "you warned her I warned her yet shes still into him?!" now it was my turn to lay back as I groan and shut my eyes tightly hoping that I would wake up from this horid nightmare.

Andy's pov: Ok so I know that Jinxx is pissed at me for liking his baby sister but I can't help if I find her cute! I continue making chicken stir fry for everyone as I know it's  Jinxx's favourite meal whilst on tour, I plate everything up and go into the living area where the air seems thick with tension until Jinxx sniffs the air and opens his eyes to look at me smiling when he sees what I've made and jumps up and grabs the plate although wispering "this does not get you off the hook" I nod and tell the other three who were in the room that food was ready. Ash and Cc jump up whilst Jake taps at the laptop on his lap furiously before it makes a ping sound and he sets it on the couch beside him and jumps up to get his food.

I go into the bunk alley and say "Izzy I made chicken stir fry" I hear a small gasp before feeling a woosh of air come past me as she yells "CHICKEN STIR FRY!" I hear Jinxx's muffled laughter as she crouches on the floor due to the rest of the guys taking up all the seats, I sit on a poofy chair beside Jinxx and Izzy jumps on to my lap causing me to groan slightly in pain. I place my hands on the seat and look up at Jinxx who had been watching to see that he was motioning for me to wrap my arms around her so that she didnt fall off my lap, I smile a little knowing that he sorta trusted me around his sister.

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