Chapter 9: Overprotective Jinxx

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Ashley's pov: I watched as Andy rushed off stage once the show was over, I was a little confused but smiled at the fans who had their arms outstretched towards us and did it back touching hands with a few of them before heading back stage so that I could change into something different. I looked around the room for Andy only to realise that he grabbed his phone that had been laying on the table along with mine and gone back to the bus!

I changed out of the bvb shirt I was wearing and into one of my own shirts before grabbing my phone and a random bottle of whiskey that was on the side before going to the bus, I jumped on and closed the door being careful not to loose my balance before going to my bunk to hide the bottle that I had picked up. I stopped walking when I heard quiet moans because none of us had gotten back yet other than Andy! I creep further in so that I didnt startle them and saw they were in the middle of a heated makeout session!

I gasp silently before running back into the venue yelling "JINXX! ANDY IS HAVING A HEATED MAKE OUT SESSION WITH YOUR SISTER!" by now everyone in the room was starring at me as if I was some kinda crazy person apart from Jinxx who looked like he was going to punch someone as he said "they are doing what?!" His usually calm voice was almost a yell as he stormed over to me with a short growl as he says "say that again" I take a shaky breath before saying "Andy and Izzy are having a heated makeout session on the bus" his eyes change from blue to almost red as he storms out of the room growling about going to kill Andy.

Jinxx's pov: I leave the venue and slam the bus door open making our driver who had been reading a news paper jump and look at me in shock, I smiled politely at him before storming to the back of the bus as Ashley's voice is heard yelling "Jinxx wait!" I pay no attention to his attempt to distract me as I make my way into the bunk alley where I hear muffled moans.

I growl as I pull Andy by his long hair off of my sister and out of the bunk, I pin him to the wall easily as he doesn't know what the fuck is going on. Izzy looks startled by my behaviour as she says "Jeremy what the fuck are you doing?!" I take my glare from Andy and aim it at my little sister as I say "making sure you don't do something you regret!" Andy starts to move around in my hold causing me to pull him off the wall and slam him against it again seconds later.

He groans quietly as Izzy jumps out of the bunk and tries to pry my hands off of him as I say "Isabella I forbid you from seeing andy, you will not speak to him, look at him or even sleep in the same bunk do I make my self clear" her eyes became wider than I had ever seen them as she says "thats not fair Jeremy! He's my boyfriend!" I growl and say "yeah well not any more" I send one final warning glare to Andy as I let him go and pull a screaming Izzy out of the bunk alley.

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