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Prince Gumball sat on his throne staring at the storm outside when two of his Banana Guards rushed in.

"What is the meaning of this?" The prince demanded.

"Prince Gumball, you need to come see this," one guard said. "There's a girl lying by the Candy Kingdom gates. I think she's sleeping...or dead."

"Well don't just stand there, bring her here at once," the Prince said annoyed by the ignorance of the guards.

"Yes your majesty," the other guard said.

After the Banana guards brought her to the throne room, the prince couldn't believe the sight in front of him.

It was a little girl with long blond hair who was shivering. Her clothes had several rips in them and were soaking wet from the rain. Her body also had several cuts and bruises on it. Suddenly the girl opened her eyes to reveal that they were blue but filled with fear.

"," she muttered. Then she passed out again. The prince gasped.

"Take her to the Candy Kingdom Infirmary at once!" the prince shouted to the guards.

"You'll always be safe with me," he muttered to the girl as they carried her away.

 When the girl was first brought to the hospital, she couldn't recall what had happened to her or how she ended up outside the Candy Kingdom. When Gumball asked who her parents were, she said didn't know, but that her name was Fionna Mertens.

Since there were no other known humans in Aaa, Gumball let her live in his castle on the condition that she would always stay with him. Fionna didn't mind this at first.

Due to the trauma she experienced, Fionna was afraid to go outside the Candy Kingdom, where she felt safe.

But as time went by, Fionna became curious about the outside world based on the books she read.

"Gumball, can I learn how to sword fight?" Fionna asked the Prince one day.

"Where did you hear about that from?" Gumball asked.

"It was in one of the older books in your library," she explained. "From what I've read, it sounds pretty math. Maybe the Banana guards could even-"

"I'm gonna stop you right there Fionna," Gumball said laughing. "The Banana guards are a well-trained team, so they don't need swords. As for you, the only weapon you'll ever need is the mind. Now get back to your studies."

"Yes Gumball," Fionna said in defeat.

So Fionna kept her head up and did what she was told. She continued her studies, hung out with the Candy people,  and ate dinner with Gumball when he wasn't in his lab.

She always stayed in the Candy Kingdom. Until one faithful day that is...

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