Chapter 20

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Fionna looked at Marshall Lee then at Prince Gumball then back at Marshall Lee. All around her everyone was fighting.

Cake was fighting off Banana guards from getting to Fionna and Marshall. Prince Gumball was being blocked by Marshall from getting to Fionna.

"This little rebellion is pointless," Gumball said confidently. "Fionna would never leave me. "

"That's because you did something to her and she's been your imprisoned princess for so long!" Marshall countered.

The Prince's face suddenly softened and put down his weapon. "Why are you fighting me Marshall? I thought you used to care for me? We were so happy together. I still have those feelings sometimes. Don't deny it. I know you do too."

Marshall suddenly hesitated and changed from his demon form to his normal form when hearing this.

Then he looked into the Prince's eyes and saw...nothing. Nothing but hate towards the vampire.

Realizing this was a trick, Marshall Lee punched the phony Prince across the room.

"Quit playing mind games with me Gumwad!" Marshall said with his eyes turning red. "You're just trying to make me forget why I came back here. And spoiler alert it's not because of you."

Gumball, realizing that Marshall saw through his lies, got up and said coldy,"She already chose me. And nobody can change that."

Furious, Marshall Lee was about to fly over to Gumball to attack, but was blocked by Fionna holding swords pointing at both of them.

"Stop!" Fionna yelled to everyone in the room. Everyone stopped what they were doing in shock at the normally quiet human's outburst.

"You both are being selfish. You both expect me to go with you without asking me how I feel," Fionna said having everyone's attention.

"We just want what makes you happy," both boys said simultaneously.

"No. For so long I've let other people decide what happens to me. I need to decide for once what makes me happy," she said defiantly. "So sit down boys. This is how it's going down."

Several hours later...

Prince Gumball waited nervously in his throne room for Fionna's decision.

Fionna said she would meet the boy she wanted to be with at midnight in the place they first met.

If Fionna didn't show up, the Prince worried how this would make him look. He would have to go through the humiliation of telling all of Aaa that the wedding between them was off.

No! No! No! The Prince could not let that happen!

Luckily he had a contingency plan if Fionna chose to leave forever with Marshall.

When Fionna first discovered the Prince's attempt to murder Phoebus, he shot her with a dart to wipe her memory of everything before she ran away. Whenever Fionna stepped out of line or a memory resurfaced, the side effects of the dart included severe headaches and anxiety manifested by hallucinations made to instill fear of defying the Prince.

If she did choose Marshall, Gumball could always try to track her down and shoot her with another dart. Of course, removing the vampire from the equation would be tricky...

But then the Prince remembered that he royal promised not to interfere with whoever Fionna chose. He knew the penalties of breaking a royal promise.

It was 11:59 PM and Gumball looked up expectantly when he heard footsteps down the hall...
Marshall Lee waited in his cave wondering if Fionna would join him.

He remembered taking her here after saving her from those vampires. He then remembered the breakfast they shared together.

Marshall would never admit it aloud, but deep down he was afraid that Fionna would actually go back to Prince Gumball.

He knew the girl wasn't stupid. She had to know that Gumball wouldn't love her the way that he did. Why wouldn't she choose him?

Because she's afraid of you. An inner voice said. You're a monster.

That's not true, Marshall said to himself. Fionna didn't think he was a monster.

But then he remembered the knife Fionna had on her when they went to that party in the woods. She did think he was a monster.

What kind of life would Fionna want with someone like him?

The son of the most powerful demon of the Nightosphere. The only one in Aaa brave enough to be around the supposedly insane Ice Queen. The secret former flame of Prince Gumball.

Not to mention he would likely outlive her...

But if he didn't have Fionna, then what would he do?

Go back to the Nightosphere or stay in Aaa?

Fionna's not the only one thinking about their future tonight, Marshall Lee thought when there was suddenly a knock at the door.

You came, he thought floating downstairs.

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