Chapter 1

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Fionna woke up from bed to see carriages coming into the Candy Kingdom.

"What's going on?" She asked Peppermint Maid, head servant of the castle and Prince Gumball's righthand woman.

"Well Miss Fionna," Peppermint Maid explained, "Gumball's throwing one of his biannual balls. And by the looks of it, this'll be his biggest one yet."

"And Gumball's requiring me to go?" Fionna muttered.

"You don't want to go to the ball?" she asked surprised. "Don't you want to see the Prince?"

"I always see him," Fionna pointed out. "Why should I dress up to see him when I can see him anytime I want?"

"The Prince really wants you to be there," Peppermint Maid said sternly. "The ball is in a week and a dress is already being tailored for you personally. You're going!"

Fionna looked at the carts outside and sighed saying,"Yes ma'am." 
After getting measured for her dress to be tailored for the ball, Fionna decided to go for a walk through the kingdom to clear her head. 

The Candy people recognized her and waved as she went by.

Some kids were playing ball nearby when it bounced out the gate.

"Can you get that?" One of the kids asked Fionna.

"Sure," she said hesitating.

Fionna was about to walk past the Candy Kingdom gates when she heard a familiar voice call after her.

"Fionna where do you think you're going?" Gumball shouted angrily.

"I was just going-"she started.

"You're not going anywhere!" Gumball yelled.

Fionna was so surprised that the Prince shouted at her that her eyes filled with tears. He saw this and calmed down.

"Fionna, I'm sorry I snapped at you," Gumball said. "But you need to understand that the Land of Aaa is a dangerous outside the Candy Kingdom. For your safety, you need to stay within the Candy Kingdom."

"Okay Gumball," Fionna said composing herself. "I'll stay here."

"Good Fionna," Gumball said. "I'm glad we cleared this up. I would hate for anything to happen to you. There are people out there that don't have your best interest at heart."


Fionna sat on her bed crying, thinking about how Gumball yelled at her earlier.

She always hated to get on his bad side because secretly she had a crush on him.  Fionna loved the Candy Kingdom, but sometimes she wondered if there was more out there.

Then Fionna remembered the carts from earlier. Maybe she would soon find out.

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