Chapter 17

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Fionna told herself to wait until she was alone with Gumball, but as time went by, this seemed unlikely.

Which is why, she decided to take a chance and talk to Gumball in his lab.

As Fionna approached the doorway of Gumball's lab, she hesitated.

Though not from personal experience, she knew the Prince didn't like being interrupted from his experiments.

There was one time when a banana guard came in with a random question and caused the Prince to ruin his experiment. There were shouts heard throughout the castle and the Banana guard came out crying and bruised.

What if he was working now and Fionna interrupted him? Would he do something worse to her?

Fionna tiptoed to the door and with shaky hands knocked on it.

"What did I tell you ding dongs about interrupting my work?" The Prince said annoyed on the other side. "It's so important you couldn't even begin to comprehend!"

Fionna's legs begin to shake and she wanted to retreat. But she surprised herself by knocking again.

"Who could it possibly be-" but then the Gumball stopped when he saw it was Fionna. "Oh it's you. Tell me what you want so I may get back to my research."

"I want to spend more time with you!" Fionna shouted quickly.

"What?" He asked confused.

"It's just that we're getting married in a couple of months and we haven't spent any time together. Just the two of us," she explained. "Do you know what I mean?"

"Yes I think I do. I'll try to schedule some us time together in the future. Now please leave so I can get back to work," he said kissing her cheek.

Fionna was about to kiss him back when the door was slammed in her face so fast it was like it was never opened at all.
Fionna was reading a book on her bed three days later when she heard a knock on the door. To her delight, she saw it was Prince Gumball.

"Gumball!" She said excitedly. But then she changed her tone when he raised an eyebrow. "I mean... my Prince. Is today the day?"

"Yes Fionna," he said grinning. "I thought long and hard about what you told me in the lab about how we haven't really spent any time together. I think I've come up with a solution that will benefit both of us. If you'll just follow me to my lab."

Fionna frowned at this. When she imagined finally having alone time with the Prince away from everyone else, assisting him in his lab is not what she imagined.

"Why are we in your lab my Prince?" Fionna asked.

"Because Fionna, we're going on a virtual date," Gumball said excitedly.

"A virtual date?" She asked confused.

"Allow me to explain. I've invented the Gumball Goggles. They're virtual reality goggles that can simulate any real-life scenario or environment in the land of Aaa," Gumball said picking up two pairs of high tech looking goggles. "I was thinking we could test them out by going on a virtual date."

"So this is an experiment?" Fionna asked disappointed.

That didn't sound very romantic, she thought. Was she just a lab rat to him?

"And a date," Gumball said adamantly.  "This way, we can go on a honeymoon without having to go anywhere outside the Candy Kingdom. Or if I'm too busy to spend time with you, you can just use the goggles."

So he just made the goggles to get me out of his hair? Fionna thought.

"You're going to love the date I programmed," the Prince said putting on his goggles. "And don't worry about anyone interrupting our date. I already locked the door in the lab when you came in so no one else can."

For some reason, hearing this reassurance from the Prince made Fionna feel more afraid than less.
After Fionna put on her own goggles, there was a flash and suddenly she saw a lush meadow in front of her.

There were pink flowers all around her that she could actually touch and a breeze she actually felt. There was  also a bright sun on a cloudy day with chirping birds in the sky.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Gumball said appearing next to her.

He took the words right out of her mouth.

"There are other environments it can simulate. Goggles, we want to go somewhere exotic," Gumball commanded.

There was another flash and suddenly they were in a lush jungle environment. Fionna felt hotter than previously.

"The goggles can simulate any environment along with its conditions," he explained.

"Whether it's hot," They were suddenly standing in a desert.

"Or cold." Fionna shivered in the tundra and was suddenly reminded of another cold place.

"Goggles, I want to see the Ice kingdom," she said.

"The Ice Kingdom!" the Prince said surprised. There was another flash and they stood in front of the Ice Castle. An angry figure flew out of the window toward them.

"I-Ice Queen!" The Prince cried genuinely afraid.

Ice Queen? Why did that name sound familiar? Fionna thought. Then her head started to hurt and she started to feel afraid again.

Gumball noticed this and said,"Goggles take us somewhere safe, but romantic."

The angry Ice Queen disappeared with another flash of light.
"Why would you want to see that awful place?" Gumball asked Fionna as they were sitting by a lake at sunset.

"I don't know," Fionna said. "Can the simulations hurt us?"

"Not that I know of," Gumball said. "But if anyone was living in a place you name, they would appear too."

Fionna looked worried about this.

"Hey, I know something that will make you happy again. I'll serenade you," the Prince said picking up a ukulele on the blanket. He was about to start playing for her when there was a distant knocking.

"Who could it possibly be?" Gumball said taking off his goggles irritated.
Fionna did the same.

He opened the door to see a banana guard half peeled.

"What happened to you banana guard #42?" He asked surprised.

"A prisoner escaped from the dungeon Prince Gumball," #42 said.

"What!" The Prince shouted angrily.

"We tried to hold her back, but she did this to us,"the guard said referring to his half-peeled state.

"Idiots,"Gumball muttered. "I take care of this. Fionna go into your room and stay in there until the crisis has passed."

Fionna did what she was told and ran to her room while Gumball ran the opposite way toward the dungoen.

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