Chapter 10

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Marshall flew fast towards the Candy Kingdom with Cake following below.

"Slow down vampire," she said exasperated.

"If you can't keep up, then you probably should've let me carry you," Marshall said irritated.

"Yeah right," Cake said. "You would probably drop me on purpose."

"Point taken," he said.

"When we reach the kingdom," Cake said, "you might want to float down to not draw attention."

"Gotcha," he said.

As Marshall and Cake approached the Candy Kingdom, Marshall became more nervous. This was the first time he had been back there in years...

"What're you up to Gummy?" Marshall asked flying into the Prince's room.

"I'm writing the Candy Kingdom charter," Gumball said not looking up at Marshall.

"Boring," Marshall said rolling his eyes." Let's go party in the Cloud Kingdom instead and forget this royal junk."

"This royal junk is important and I need to get it done," Gumball said irritated. "I can't just drop whatever I'm doing to do what you want Marshall Lee."

"What's happened to you Gummy?" Marshall said equally irritated. "Ever since you created this pussy kingdom, you've become all uptight."

"I have a kingdom to run now Marshall Lee," Gumball said. "I don't have room for things in my life that aren't worth my time."

Marshall was hurt by the Prince's words.

"Not worth your time!" Marshall yelled outraged. "How can you say that after everything we've been through?"

"I've grown up Marshall," Gumball said. "It's time for you to do the same."

"I'm through with you Gumball!" Marshall said knocking stuff off Gumball's desk. "I'd stay, but I need to be with someone who thinks 'I'm worth their time.'"

Then Marshall flew away from the Candy Kingdom with a single tear flowing down his cheek.
The Gumball Ball was in full swing. Rulers from all the major kingdoms (except the Ice Kingdom) were in attendance.

As Prince Gumball instructed her earlier, Fionna made a grand entrance on the staircase. Everyone complemented her dress. It was a pink strappy gown with a flowing skirt and jewels along the top. Her hair was in a perfect bun with makeup done professionally.

As she addressed the princes and Candy Kingdom citizens, she walked around with a fake smile on her face.

Once she wondered how she would ever want to be away from this place.

But after meeting Marshall and Cake, she felt these people didn't really know her at all like her friends did.

She wanted more than anything to find them and apologize, but after Phoebus brought her back, Gumball kept a tighter leash around her. There were eyes watching her around the ballroom for Gumball.

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